- RapidPM Microservice
- Different JCache implementations, e.g. EHCache or Hazelcast Cache
- InMemory interface for direct access to the cache functionality
- REST endpoints for access via http
Here's a very good article from Matti Tahvonen telling you more about the JSR 107: JCache, why and how?
This project comes with an so called aggregate module, enabling the configuration of the cache components by using Maven profiles. By default, the aggregate will produce a jar containing the ehcache and a corresponding REST endpoint to the cache. Here's an example how to produce a cache with REST and Hazelcast:
- Disable the default profile binarycache-provider-ehcache
- Enable the profile binarycache-proivder-hazelcast
- Check that the binarycache-connect-rest profile is still active
- Execute a clean&install for the aggregate module
- You'll find a customized jar cache-hazelcast-rest-xxx.jar in the modules target folder
Currently there are two different ways to access the cache from a clients perspective. First, you can use the provided inmemory interface. Just add the following dependency to your Maven project. You'll find an example how to use it in the module rapidpm-binarycache-modules-client-connect-inmemory
Second, you could also use the REST enpoints, provided by the BinaryCache implementation. Using the BinaryCacheRestClient, your calls will be transformed into http request to the cache. Add the following dependency to use it in your project.
From the website ehcache.org:
"Ehcache is an open source, standards-based cache that boosts performance, offloads your database, and simplifies scalability. It's the most widely-used Java-based cache because it's robust, proven, full-featured, and integrates with other popular libraries and frameworks. Ehcache scales from in-process caching, all the way to mixed in-process/out-of-process deployments with terabyte-sized caches."
You'll find a default configuration XML in the resource folder config. To use a different configuration file set path to this file with the property binarcache.config. Link to the documentation about configuration files.
The implementation of the JSR 107 (JCache) from Hazelcast offers a distribution of the cache content other several instances, based on Hazelcast's own in-mmeory data grid solution. See Hazelcast Cache for more information.
- Infinispan
- Apache Ignite
- Initial Cache Implementation with the providers Ehcache and Hazelcast
- Rest Endpoints for client and backend
- Aggregate module to build different kinds of binarycaches (standalone or inmemory / Ehcache or Hazelcast)
- Added Performance Tests
- BOM module to manage dependencies