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Sven Ruppert edited this page Mar 28, 2018 · 1 revision

Installation Steps

For an initial setup, we need some manual work currently. First of all, we make sure that we have no image and no container on our docker installation. Do this only if you really want to have an empty docker-host. Otherwise, let the following steps away.

docker system prune --all
docker volume prune

To check if everything is cleaned, you can use docker system dfto see how much of your disc is used.

The next step will install socat to help your docker host for example on a MAC to be available under the IP and Port you define. The following example will use the port 2375.

docker run -d --restart=always --name=socat -p 2376:2375 
       -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock 
       alpine/socat TCP4-LISTEN:2375,fork,reuseaddr 

The example above is not using SSL, so be aware of this security hole if you are installing this on a public server.

Now we can start with the environment itself. For this we have to clone the repo with the docker-compose files.

mkdir workspace
cd workspace
git clone
cd vaadin-dev-environment
chmod -R u+rwX,g+rwX,o+rwX *
chown -R root:docker .

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