Software Developer and Machine Learning Engineer with expertise in Financial Markets and Manufacturing industry from Mumbai, India
+ 📃 Prev - Dolat Capital, Bajaj Finserv Health, Baker Hughes and 3 startups
+ 🎓 Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science) Graduate from University of Mumbai
+ 🔭 I’m currently working on Backend Development, Data Science and Machine Learning projects
+ 🌱 I’m currently learning NLP and Data Science
+ 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Backend Development and Machine Learning Projects
+ 📫 Check out my portfolio at Jay's Portfolio
+ 📃 My Resume
+ 🥇 10x Hackathon Winner - ET Campus Star 2023, Texas A&M University Datathon, Google Developer Student Club's Cloudathon, Tri-Nit Hackathon and more