The shell script generates a report file of active AWS resouces
For a detailed explanation of how this script works and how to set it up, check out my Medium article:
Simplify AWS Resource Reporting: Step-by-Step Guide with Shell Script
- AWS CLI installed and configured
- Necessary IAM permissions to list resources
Install AWS CLI
Step 1
sudo apt install curl unzip -Y
Step 2
curl "" -o ""
Step 3
sudo apt install curl unzip -Y
Step 4
sudo ./aws/install
Step 5
Configure your AWS user using aws configure
Step 1: Clone this repository on the system using:
git clone
Step 2: Provide appropriate permissions to the file using chmod
Step 3: Run with ./
Contributions are welcome! If you have suggestions for script or you'd like to add, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue.