Thanks for using jaya-world modules
Example to Create Simple S3 bucket with the versioning enabled
module "jayaworld-s3-bucket" {
source = ""
bucket_name = ""
Example to Create S3 bucket with the SSE S3
module "jayaworld-s3-bucket" {
source = ""
bucket_name = ""
server_side_encryption_configuration = [
rule = {
apply_server_side_encryption_by_default = {
sse_algorithm = "AES256"
Example to Create S3 bucket with the SSE KMS with the bucket key enabled (I highly recommend to lower the KMS calls)
module "jayaworld-s3-bucket" {
source = ""
bucket_name = ""
server_side_encryption_configuration = [
rule = {
bucket_key_enabled = "true"
apply_server_side_encryption_by_default = {
sse_algorithm = "aws:kms"
kms_master_key_id = "kms key arn" # Use jayaworld-kms-key module from terraform registry modules to create kms key
Example to Create S3 bucket with the static website hosting
module "jayaworld-s3-bucket" {
source = ""
bucket_name = ""
website = [
index_document = "welcome.html"
error_document = "error.html"
redirect_all_requests_to = "provide redirect rules if any"
routing_rules = "provide routing rules if any"
Example to Create S3 bucket with the replication configuration
module "jayaworld-s3-bucket" {
source = ""
bucket_name = ""
replication_configuration = [
role = "arn of iam role"
rules = {
id = "specify id here"
status = "Enabled"
destination = {
bucket = "destination bucket arn"
source_selection_criteria = {
sse_kms_encrypted_objects = {
enabled = true
Example to Create S3 bucket with the CORS
module "jayaworld-s3-bucket" {
source = ""
bucket_name = ""
cors_inputs = [
allowed_headers = "Specifies which headers are allowed"
allowed_methods = "Can be GET, PUT, POST, DELETE or HEAD"
allowed_origins = "Example,"
expose_headers = "Specifies expose header in the response"
max_age_seconds = "Specifies the seconds"
Example to Create S3 bucket with the server access logging
module "jayaworld-s3-bucket" {
source = ""
log_bucket_name = "logs bucket id" # Use jayaworld-s3-logs-bucket module from terraform registry modules to create log bucket
bucket_name = ""