🔭 I’m currently working on Machine Learning using various ML libraries and frameworks.
🌱 I’m currently learning Deep Learning
I am a google certified TensorFlow Developer
From November 2022 I have been exploring and learning a lot in the field of Machine Learning.
I have worked on 100+ personal projects in Regression, Classification, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing and Large Language Models as part of my learning process
I have learned and experimented on successful open source models using open source and custom datasets.
I have implemented various algorithms on Supervised and Un-supervised learning.
I can build, train, evaluate and deploy models with ease.
I have deployed Large Language Models in Hugging Face spaces.
I am familiar with analysis tools such as WandB, tensorboard
My primary Machine Learning Skills include SciKit-Learn, Pandas, NumPy, PyTorch, OpenCV, TensorFlow, HuggingFace, Onnx, Keras
Few projects in the above links are yet to be uploaded. Stay connected. I will try and upload them ASAP.
Link to few Large Language Model appications deployed in HugginFace spaces: https://huggingface.co/Jayavathsan
My Projects and Applications | ||||||||||||||||||