TachiyomiJ2K v1.0.13 (Round 3)
We're skipping 1.0.12 for reasons
- Double Pages in reader (Beta): New option to combine 2 pages into one to view them together, with the option to shift which page it is joined with. Default is currently automatic (double pages in landscape, single page in portrait)
- New options for recents
- Option to show read in ungrouped/grouped mode
- Option to show title above chapter
- Option to show or hide download button either for all recents or only unread
- Button to can reset chapter history, with option to hide it
- Recents now has endless scrolling, just like history and latest updates did*
- 3 New themes: Spring Blossom (Light Theme), Midnight Dusk (Dark, taken from SY), Black 'n' Red (guess)
- Dynamic shortcuts: Every so often, new app shortcuts will show for your recent manga or browsed sources
- Option to change amount of pages preloaded
- Searching library now searches through the description as well (thanks Ainz/Sy)
- Reader bottom bar has been split into common reader actions and page navigation
- Long press to save/share pages returns. You'll have to forgive me I was in a phase last update.
- More changes for recents
- History and latest updates screens have been removed, since recents replicates the functionality and more
- Easier selection between recents types
- New UI for adding manga or moving manga, with an option to create a new category while adding
- New UI for changing App theme, along with the option to mix and match light/dark themes instead of being limited to 3 presets
- Change categories button added when having a default category set, so when adding a manga it will mention which category it's in as well as said option
- Preloaded pages are now 6 pages instead of 4, as mentioned before there is an option to change back
- Chapter cache has been upped to 150 MB. It is dependent on the preload pages settings: setting to 4 pages sets it to 100MB, same as main Tachiyomi
- New Translations (Contribute more to Tachiyomi or TachiJ2K here)
- Check for updates button now added to check for updates, instead of clicking version
- Changed navigation layout overlay colors
- Start reading button no longer hides when hiding unread badge
- When using landscape, smart bg no longer has a gradient in some cases
- Security options moved to their own section in settings
- Other Minor UI improvements and animations
- (Under the hood) Using viewbinding, which should lead to less crashes when quickly changing screens/device orientation/dark mode
- Many a fix for scrolling
- Various crash fixes (such as #697)
- Various bug fixes
- Sharing crash logs not working