🎉 Majority of these projects are heavily inspired by existing projects from popular YouTubers. 🎉
- Each project's source will be properly credited, and originals will be clearly stated.
- Most of the styling and some JavaScript in several projects were implemented from scratch by me.
- Creative Agency Site - Traversy Media
- Item Lister - Traversy Media
- ChessBoard - Original
- Mega Menu - Codestackr
- Simplicity - Original
- Responsive Personal Portfolio - Bedimcode
- Color Flipper - Coding Addict
- Counter - Coding Addict
- Modal Form - Traversy Media
- Review Page - Coding Addict
- NavBar - Coding Addict
- SideBar - Coding Addict
- Modal - Coding Addict
- Questions - Coding Addict
- Food Menu - Coding Addict
- Video - Coding Addict
- LimeKreed - Original
- Scroll Project - Coding Addict
- Tabs - Coding Addict
- Count Down Timer - Coding Addict
- Lorem Ipsum Generator - Coding Addict
- Grocery List - Coding Addict
- Image Slider - Coding Addict
- Portfolio Site - Original
Feel the creative power of Vanilla.js and TypeScript through these projects. Whether you're learning, exploring, or just having fun, these projects offer a captivating way to dive into web development.
Have questions, ideas, or feedback? Reach out in the Issues section. Let's collaborate, innovate, and celebrate coding together!
Happy coding! 🎉🌐