#One of my drupal sites was hacked.
I had forgotten to update it to the latest core, but it was interesting to see what the 'hacker' installed anyway. This is what the hacker installed in the drupal root.
- Y8QRtVMn.php (webshell)
- browser.php (I have no idea)
- common.php (I have no idea)
- content.php (I have no idea)
- en.php (I have no idea)
- forum.php
- home.php
- index.php (The drupal ddefault index.php with some lines inserted in the top.)
- info.php
- lib.php
- main.php
- message.php
- mirror.php
- msg.php
All of these files are obfuscated. The other php files are drupal update, xmlrpc and cron.php, those are unaltered.
the behavior was like so: At first you see the site as usual, then javascript kicks in (this php seems to render en|decodeURI encoded javascript).
It seems this renders your webserver as a spam email relay too.