Free, Non-commercial Open Source
Local / Self Hosted
Plaintext Storage
Offline Backups
Application that allows saving of notes with authentication and persistence.
Journalists, People who want control of their data and want to escape big tech, people who want plain text backups, persecuted people, people who want a simple notes experience.
Express, React, Vite, JSX, MongoDB
Export Feature with Zip
Encryption with decryption on login
Authentication with local password or Auth0
Note-Taking Capability
Import Notes
Password Timeout
Basic UI using Raw Text
Dockerize the App
Access via port on internet with port forwarding with specific port or use defined port
Multiple Device Access
Decent Font and Basic Styling
Open Source Availability
Control of Data
Multiple Notes
Syncing of notes between multiple servers orchestrated with kubernetes(?)
Sync with Version Control(?)
Ability to select font and change text size
Implement LiveCycle and Docker compose