- Easy to install and expand with other plugins
- Deterministic configuration, disables any system settings
- Intelligent autocomplete using CoC
- Linting with eslint, tsserver, flake8, pylint, shellcheck and shfmt
- Fuzzy code and file search using FZF and ripgrep
- Vim One theme everywhere in both light and dark shades
- My vimrc to configure all of the above and more
To install my vimrc and related config, use the install.sh
The install script requires either curl+tar or git for downloading vim packages,
but pretty much all dependencies are optional and listed in the paragraphs below.
All files will be installed by the script to these locations:
for all Vim configuration, including the vimrc~/.config/coc/
for all autocompletion related packages
Optionally you can append ./install.sh
with 'clean' or 'config-only',
which will wipe the existing .vim folder or only install the config, respectively.
If npm is missing, no CoC packages will be installed and LSP will be unavailable.
Finally, you can supply 'no-lsp' to skip this step even if npm is installed.
These parts can optionally be installed to improve the experience for these domains.
For fuzzy searching of any kind fzf is required, such as for :Files
To also fuzzy search in file contents, install ripgrep and use :Rg
Finally, for showing file previews with syntax highlighting, install bat.
Python is entirely optional, but highly recommended to improve Vim's Python features,
as well as showing highlights, suggestions and diagnostics of Pyright in Vim.
To also use additional linters and formatters, simply install them to make use of them,
support is present for: autopep8, black, flake8, pylint, pyflakes, pyink and more.
These can either be installed from system python3-*
packages or via pip,
such as sudo dnf install python3-pylint
or pip install --user flake8
Basic highlighting and suggestions are supported by the base install,
but linting and formatting is provided via the NodeJS-driven LSP bash-language-server
This package can be installed via npm using npm i -g bash-language-server@latest
- ShellCheck (shellcheck) - for linting sh/bash files (requires NodeJS for LSP)
- shfmt - for formatting sh/bashf files (requires NodeJS for LSP)
Markdown highlighting and suggestions are supported by the base install,
but web previews via :MD
are provided by the NodeJS-driven LSP instant-markdown-d
This package can be installed via npm using npm i -g instant-markdown-d@latest
While NodeJS itself is recommended to install CoC's LSP plugins to ~/.config/coc
it is not strictly required by the install script to use this vimrc config.
If npm is not found, LSP plugins are skipped as is the CoC package installation.
The packages mentioned above for Bash and Markdown tooling are highly recommended,
so be sure to set your npm prefix to a user writable place: npm config set prefix $HOME/.local
For linting, you can install the eslint npm package inside specific projects,
be sure to check out my eslint-config for it.
Syntax highlighting and suggestions are built into Vim by default,
but linting, formatting and better autocomplete will be available by installing clangd.
This is usually a part of the development package of clang, such as:
sudo dnf install clang-devel
- Distribution independent configuration, system vimrc changes are reset
- User-only installation, see "Install" for a list of locations
- Default to 4 spaces for all files, unless overwritten by local configuration
- Show line numbers, special characters, trailing whitespace and colorcolumn
- Store all vim swap and backup files in ~/.vim/backup
- Enable fenced markdown languages and the matchit plugin
- More direct feedback using search highlighting, wildmenu, showcmd and such
- Leader key is set to the
, toggle indent-based folding with<leader>t
- Toggle line wrap with
and toggle spellchecker with<leader>ss
- Switch between English, Dutch and combined with
respectively - Clear the search with
and exit insert/terminal modes withkj
See the vimrc
file for details and mappings.
This is a list of the plugins that are installed to add additional features. Changes to the default usage/bindings are listed as well. Not all plugins are listed, as some of them are merely to improve the syntax, a list of these can be found at the bottom of this readme.
- Themed statusline with limited extensions loaded, including CoC and venv
For Conqueror of Completion the following keys are mapped in normal mode:
- jump to definitiongy
- jump to type definitiongi
- list and jump to implementationgr
- list and jump to referencesgn
- rename at cursor position<leader>f
- autoformat code<leader>c
- execute automatic diagnostic fix for the code (or selection)<leader>d
- show a list of diagnostics<c-k>
- jump to previous diagnostic<c-j>
- jump to next diagnosticK
- show CoC documentation or the vim help pages
The signcolumn is also populated by CoC, with all diagnostics displayed as >>
although each level from hint to error has a different color.
Git difference is displayed as a single character, such as +
, .
or ~
This plugin is also used for autocompletion, which will show automatically in insert mode.
Suggestions are never automatically applied, but you can select them with <c-n>
and <c-p>
You can then immediately continue typing without needing to press anything else,
though you can also choose to expand the snippet or auto-import using the Tab key.
The Tab key can not be used to modify whitespace as this would conflict with <c-i>
please use Vim's regular <c-d>
and <c-t>
to do so inside insert mode.
Outside of insert mode you can use <<
and >>
to do the same thing.
- Will automatically activate when a config file is present
- Open the file finder with
- Find text in files using ripgreg using
- Switch buffers based on filename by pressing
- Or use many more commands such as
- Use many commands such as :G blame or :Gdiffsplit to access git within Vim
- Automatically highlights the same words in a relatively light gray color
- The preview won't open automatically
- Open the preview with the custom :MD command
- Theme for code, FZF sub-windows, the statusline, the tabs and even terminals
- Switch between light and dark with
- A collection of snippets that will be suggested by CoC
- Use the Tab key to expand the highlighted snippet
In normal or visual mode, these keybindings can be used:
- toggle comments (add if missing, remove if already present)g>
- add comment markers (will add a second marker if already present)g<
- remove comment markers (will do nothing if missing)
- Toggle the Undotree with
, which automatically shifts the focus there
- Show the context of the current function or path you are editing at the top
The uninstall.sh
script will simply delete the following locations:
All files in this repository are created by Jelmer van Arnhem. This project is released as free software via MIT, see LICENSE file for details. The referenced projects are covered by different licenses, check them out below.
bash-language-server, instant-markdown-d
ap/vim-css-color, chaimleib/vim-renpy, honza/vim-snippets, junegunn/fzf.vim, laggardkernel/vim-one, mbbill/undotree, neoclide/coc.nvim, pangloss/vim-javascript, RRethy/vim-illuminate, suan/vim-instant-markdown, tomtom/tcomment_vim, tpope/vim-fugitive, vim-airline/vim-airline, wellle/context.vim
coc-clangd, coc-css, coc-eslint, coc-git, coc-highlight, coc-html, coc-json, coc-pyright, coc-snippets, coc-tsserver, coc-vimlsp