ShopCart is a full-stack e-commerce application inspired by platforms like Amazon and Flipkart. The project is built using React.js, HTML, CSS, Material-UI for the frontend, and Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB for the backend.
- React.js
- Material-UI
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
The application follows a user-friendly flow:
Login and Register: Users can log in or register with validation and authentication. Only logged-in users can access the home page, and unauthorized attempts to access the home page via URL manipulation are prevented.
Home Page: Features a search bar, profile button, cart icon (with item count badge), and logout option. The profile page displays user information stored in MongoDB. The header includes a menu for categories, sub-categories, and an image slider. Display items from five main categories, allowing users to view all items or click on a specific item for detailed information
Category Pages: Display items from all main categories, allowing users to view all items or click on a specific item for detailed information.
Single Item Page: Shows detailed information about a selected item, including images, prices, discounts, ratings, and a tab navigation system for full product description and reviews.
Cart Page: Displays the current items in the cart, allowing users to delete items, clear the entire cart, and adjust item quantities. Previous orders are also visible.
Checkout Page: Utilizes Material-UI's stepper component for a three-step process: delivery address, order summary, and payment options.
Order Success Page: Confirms a successful order placement.
The project is divided into two main folders:
- Frontend: Contains the React.js application.
- Server: Contains the Node.js and Express.js backend.
The MongoDB database contains four main collections:
- _id
- name
- password
- address
- mobileNumber
- _id
- product_id
- product_name
- category
- discounted_price
- actual_price
- discount_percentage
- rating
- rating_count
- about_product
- user_id
- user_name
- review_id
- review_title
- review_content
- img_link
- product_link
- _id
- items
- itemId
- itemName
- itemPrice
- quantity
- itemImg
- _id
- items
- itemId
- itemName
- itemPrice
- quantity
- itemImg
The server file is hosted separately on GitHub. You can find it
Feel free to explore the code and contribute to the project!