This application consists of several microservices that build up a small store web application to retrieve information on devices and displaying the information on Java Server Pages.
Isaiah Jenkins
- Java (Server-side language)
- Spring Boot (Microservices)
- Boot -> Spring Web (Web/REST app)
- Boot -> Spring Data JPA (Java Persistence API w/ Hibernate)
- Boot -> Eureka Server (Spring Cloud Discovery)
- Boot -> Eureka Discovery Client (Spring Cloud Discovery)
- Boot -> JDBC API (Database Connectivity)
- Boot -> MySQL Driver (JDBC for MySQL)
- MySQL (Server)
- MySQL Workbench (visual database design tool for MySQL database)
- Jersey (JAX-RS)
- Tomcat Embed Jasper (JSP file parser)
- Tomcat Servlet API
- Javax Servlet API
- JSP (Java Server Page)
- JSTL (JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library)
- Maven (Dependency Injection)
- Eclispe (IDE, Java EE version 2020-12)
- IntelliJ (IDE, IDEA CE)
- Eclispe (IDE, Java EE version 2020-12)
- IntelliJ (IDE, IDEA CE)
- MySQL Community Server
- MySQL Workbench
Note: Make sure to start your MySQL server on your computer.
Schema - Devices
Tables - apple, samsung
- Store - Web app that retrieves information on the device types from Samsung and Apple microservices to displays them on Java server pages.
- Eureka server - A discovery server responsible for holding instances of microservice clients and providing easier navigation.
- Samsung - Extracts the list of JSON Device objects gathered from Samsung persistence.
- Samsung2 - Extra copy of Samsung to test client-side load balancing.
- Apple - Extracts the list of JSON Device objects gathered from Apple persistence.
- Apple persistence - Gathers information from MySQL server on apple devices providing a list of JSON Device objects.
- Samsung persistence - Gathers information from MySQL server on Samsung devices providing a list of JSON Device objects.
- Import each microservice folder except into a separate Intellij Maven project.
- Import Store microservice into Eclipse.
- Start the Eureka server in IntelliJ.
- Start Store in Eclipse.
- Start remaining microservices in IntelliJ.
- Go to the Eureka server page. You should have the following 5 applications running below:
- Go to the Store page and click on either Samsung or Apple.