Created a tool that estimates data science salaries (MAE ~ $12k) to help data scientists negotiate their income when they get a job
Scraped over 1000 job descriptions using python and selenium
Engineered features from the text of each job description to quantify the value companies put on python, excel, aws, and spark.
Optimized Linear, Lasso, and Random Forest Regressors using RidsearchCV to reach the best model.
Built a client facing API using flask.
- Python: 3.7.6
- Packages: pandas, numpy, sklearn, matplotlib, seaborn, selenium, flask, json, pickle
- For Web Framework Requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
- Guided DS Salaries Project: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2zq7klxX5ASFejJj80ob9ZAnBHdz5O1t
- Scraper Git Hub: https://github.comarapfaik/scraping-glassdoor-selenium
- Scraper Article: https://towardsdatascience.com/selenium-tutorial-scraping-glassdoor-com-in-10-minutes-3d0915c6d905
- Flask Productionization: https://towardsdatascience.com/productionize-a-machine-learning-model-with-flask-and-heroku-8201260503d2
Tweaked the web scraper github repo (above) to scrape 1000 job postings in Columbus, Ohio from glassdoor.com. With each job, I got the following:
- Job title
- Salary Estimate
- Job Description
- Rating
- Company
- Location
- Company Founded Date
- Type of Ownership
- Industry
- Sector
- Revenue
After scraping the data, I needed to clean it up so that it was usable for my model. I made the following changes and created the following variables:
- Parsed numeric data out of salary
- Made columns for employer provided salary and hourly wages
- Removed rows without salary
- Parsed rating out of company text
- Made a new column for company state
- Transformed founded date into age of company
- Made columns for if different skills were listed in the job description: ..* Python ..* R ..* Excel ..* AWS ..* Spark
- Column for simplified job title and Seniority
- Column for description length
- Column for minimum degree reqirement
I looked at the distributions of the data and the value counts for the various categorical variables. Here are some data visualization highlights.
In this step, I built a flask API endpoint that was hosted on a local webserver by following along with the TDS tutorial in the reference section above. The API endpoint takes in a request with a list of values from a job listing and returns an estimated salary.