- Thomas McCoy - NET_ID: tmccoy1@iastate.edu
- Jens Rasmussen - NET_ID: jensr@iastate.edu
- Jason Guo - NET_ID: jtguo@iastate.edu
COM 327 - Advanced Programming @ Iowa State University - Assignment 1 - Roguelike.
- Via Release: Download latest release and unzip twice.
- Via Cloning: Clone via gitbash/github desktop.
Simply compile the program using the Makefile and run using ./rlg327 - Use gdb rlg327 to debug using gdb. FilePath is set to the home directory
- Thomas McCoy - Code development - MythicAlchemist - NET_ID: tmccoy1@iastate.edu
- Jens Rasmussen - Code development - JensRas - NET_ID: jensr@iastate.edu
- Jason Guo - Code development - JasonGuo-ISU - NET_ID: jtguo@iastate.edu
Special Thanks to Steven Marshall Sheets for his help in understanding github. - Paper-SSheets