This project demonstrates the integration of various technologies to deliver a comprehensive weather application.
The Weather Dashboard is a modern web application designed to provide users with accurate and up-to-date weather information. By leveraging powerful APIs, the application presents current weather conditions, and location data. The Front-End is built with React and TypeScript, ensuring a seamless and dynamic user experience both on Mobile, Tablet and Desktop. The Back-End, powered by Node.js and Express, efficiently handles data fetching and processing.
- React
- TypeScript
- CSS (optional: TailwindCSS)
- Node.js
- Express
- TypeScript
First, run the Front-End server:
- In a new terminal, navigate to the frontend folder.
npm start
Second, run the Back-End server:
- In a new terminal, navigate to the backend folder.
# Create dist folder
mkdir dist
# Compile TypeScript files
npx tsc
# Take the newly created "index.js" file created in backend/src and move it to the "dist" folder we created in the backend root folder.
# Run the server
node dist/index.js
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
You can start editing the page by modifying weather-dashboard/src/components/Weather.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.