- fork -> branch -> make changes -> squash minor/wip/broken commits -> pr
Bug reports, feature ideas, and refactoring suggestions are very welcome in the issues tab. Feel free to submit an issue for these.
Create an issue with proposed changes, identifying the problems and fixes
- This way we know who is doing what, we minimise wasted time
Discuss approaches in the issue
Fork, and implement changes on a new branch in your fork
Test the code compiles
PR when the code compiles and runs locally
Automated tests (i.e. the code compiles) must pass
Your code will be tested (manually) on some physical devices to catch any issues
- (Desktop) currently including MacBook pro (something), and an ubuntu machine
- (Android) Currently including: Nexus 5, Google Pixel, Sony Xperia I (Original), and maybe a Samsung S9 if it feels up to it
- This may take some time to do, please be patient, it really does save time in the long run though
If all is well your PR will be merged
Please indicate what name (can be some social handle, including a link as well) to appear in credits