- Add critical CSS task
- Add Barba.js
- Add imagepack
- Add node server w/ Express
- Add templating engine (maybe jade)
- Add gulp help
- Separate dependencies and dev-dependencies
- Improve gulp config file with better selection of values to configure. Most of the paths won't ever change so they don't belong here.
Clone the repo using the command :
git clone https://github.com/Jerek0/jerek0-starter.git
Make sure you have Gulp installed
npm install gulp -g
Open your terminal at the root of the projet and launch the following to work on the project :
npm install
It will open your default browser on http://localhost:3000/. Finally, you can access browser-sync options by reaching http://localhost:3001/.
Source files are stored in the src folder in separate directories (js / css / htdocs). Gulp will watch these files and compile them all everytime a file is modified;
Compiled files are stored there. This folder is our final product, you can access it by http://localhost:3000/ in your browser
Automation scripts