This is actually my final project for 112 course in CMU. It is a web app for school bus booking system. I finished whole things in almost two weeks including UI design and being familiar with Django framework. It is immature but I think it is fine being my first Django project. The idea of this project came out of my mind when I know there is a final project. Every night, I caught school bus (officially escort) at back door of libaray. But I found the bus system looks like inefficient since no one knows if there are enough seats for all students in the queue. Missing an incoming bus means waiting for another hour. After talking with bus drivers on my way home and my classmates after class, I decided to let the app have following functions:
- pick up seats on line
- generate optimized routing for bus
- visualize statistical data for management
Login page for students, drivers and managers.
Seats pick up results are vsiaulized like the online booking system for cinema.
Based on students' destination information, the system will automatically generate optimized route for a bus based on Dijkastra algorithm. And the route will be visualized on google map.
Based on students' information, the system will generate statistical analysis results and visualize the results.
Django framework is suitable for creating a website in a short time. And it looks like the framework is not good at concurrency which means the website will probably crash when many users visiting the system at the same time. Suitable tools make you smile :)