Releases: JerloPH/HomeCinema
Releases · JerloPH/HomeCinema
HomeCinema v0.5.3
What's New?
- NEW: Json setting to change Time out when connecting to the internet, for various features.
- See data\settings.json file, under "setTimeOut": [value].
- FIX: When cleaning, app fails to load subsequent entries.
HomeCinema v0.5.2 - Changeable UI
What's New?
- REV: Added [Check for Update] button to Manually check update in Settings -> General window.
- REV: Added new category in Settings window, Appearance.
- Contains settings to modify GUI elements, like window background color and font color.
- FIX: Entries stop loading after a file missing is reached.
- FIX: New series cannot be added.
- MINOR: Close Settings window after Saving changes.
- GUI: Minor change to some messages on forms.
- GUI: Added Icons for Loading form, indicating success or failure when checking for updates.
Dev changes
- REFACTOR: Reduced code lines, and improved disposing of resources.
- MINOR: Moved condition for checking update.
- MINOR: Moved Saving Settings on [OK] button pressed, on Settings window.
- MINOR: Append to Skipped log, instead of rewriting.
- DOC: Removed download links for old releases.
HomeCinema v0.5.1 - Major Fix
What's New?
- FIX: App doesn't get new media files.
- MINOR: Clean App folder and logs upon app load.
- MINOR: Instantly save setings file, after changing settings.
HomeCinema v0.5 - Major Features and Optimizations
What's New?
- REV: Reduced memory usage by half, by optimizing code structure.
- REV: Use ListBox for Genre and Country, instead of Checkboxes.
- REV: Only one instance of App can now run.
- REV: You can now search for Imdb entry, and select which one to use.
- REV: Automatically fetch movie info, after searching on Imdb.
- FIX: Cover image sometimes not downloading properly.
- FIX: Correctly display Season/Episode count on Items.
- MINOR: Moved logs to subfolder 'logs'.
- MINOR: Movie Country is now based on Production country.
- MINOR: Country and Genre file is automatically updated when new entry is added, save list in Alphabetical order.
- MINOR: Automatically fetch 'Studio' from Imdb.
- MINOR: Clean all logs on button press, instead of only specific files.
- GUI: Additional message on app loading for inserting new entry to database.
- GUI: Updated Settings form to reflect new changes.
- GUI: Changed 'Episode name' to 'Original' on Movie Info display.
- GUI: Changed color of Imdb Id on Movie Info display.
Dev changes
- Target x64 on Build.
- Use Path.Combine to create filepaths, making it the standard.
- Create empty log files, when it doesn't exist.
- Log to ErrorLog at the same folder, when there's no log existing in logs subfolder.
- Make building array from text file case-insensitive.
- Added codes for easy debugging.
- Major code refactors.
HomeCinema v0.4.1
What's New?
- REV: Delete Covers not in Database, when pressing [Clean].
- FIX: Changing metadata should not work on 'series'.
- FIX: Removed producer to stop looping on saving metadata.
- GUI: Changed Font for Movie Summary, and Settings form.
- GUI: Updated main form caption.
Dev changes
- REV: Show loading form when checking for update.
- MINOR: Include additional message for loading forms.
- DOCS: Updated Markdown docs README, LICENSE, README_TODO.
- DOC: Added docs/ and docs/
- Code refactors, and improvements.
Major Fixes and Improvements
What's New?
- REV: Add loading form to [Clean] button.
- REV: Search for Trailers in all media.
- FIX: 'Series Directories' not showing up on ListView.
- FIX: Cannot perform [Clean] when cover is changed recently.
- GUI: Changed Font of Items.
'Under the Hood' changes
- REV: Refactor query for Searching.
- REV: Refactor ListView Item details.
- REV: Refactor frmMovie Initialization.
- REV: Increase TimeOut for CheckConnection().
- REV: Cast all API queries of TMDB to JSON files.
- Code refactors and cleanup.
New Loading Form, and Improvements
What's New?
- REV: New Loading form.
- REV: Show Loading form on Fetching data from TMDB, and Saving Metadata.
- FIX: Playing media file for invalid movie ID.
- FIX: Cannot view Movie Info for Invalid ID.
'Under the Hood' changes
- REV: Separate string array builder for directories.
- REV: Delegate background tasks to loading form.
- MINOR: Added pre-build event to delete 'lib' subfolder.
- MINOR: Append new entries to 'MovieResult_DoneInsert.Log', instead of replacing file every form load.
- MINOR: Organized source files.
- Code cleanups, and various refactors.
- Removed un-used lines of code.
Breaking Changes!
NOTE: This update breaks the old way that the App saves directories
- After updating, open the App and find the folder where your movies are saved.
- To add additional folders, and TV series location(s), go to Settings -> File.
- Click on [Add] and navigate to your directories.
What's New?
- REV: New GUI for Settings: Added Buttons to [Add], [Remove], [Clear] Directories to search media files from.
'Under the Hood' changes:
- REV: All required DLLs and files are saved under lib subfolder.
- MINOR: Renamed variables for readability.
- MINOR: Code cleanups.
- DOCS: Updated README.
- RES: Updated screenshots.
Major Improvements
What's New?
- REV: Automatically refresh Media List, when checkbox Hide Animation is checked/unchecked.
- REV: Perform Update checking when App is completely loaded, instead of 'before App Loads'.
- GUI: Renamed 'Filters' to 'Tags', in Settings.
- GUI: Added [About] button, to Display Info about the App.
'Under the Hood' changes:
- REV: Invoke method, when adding items to ListView Media List.
- RES: Update guide_add_media_paths.png.
- DOC: Removed links from previous releases (deleted).
- DOC: Added ''.
- MINOR: Changed logging string format.
- MINOR: Add return type and value for method: TryDelete, in GlobalVars.
- MINOR: Added logging files to [Clean] Button.
- MINOR: Add some more logs.
- MINOR: Code cleanup.