Releases: JerloPH/HomeCinema
Releases · JerloPH/HomeCinema
HomeCinema v0.8.4 - Minor Release
New and Changes
- NEW: Apply UI settings to other form dialogs.
- NEW: Refreshing entries are now done on background.
- NEW: Search results count.
- Download VERSION_HISTORY file if missing.
- Refocus App when form dialog closes.
- UI: Changed settings dropdowns to checkbox.
Other Changes
- Target x64 for Release. (Applied on earlier build).
- Removed unused namespaces.
- NUGET: Removed UWP.
- NUGET: Changed Markdig to Markdig Signed.
- NUGET: Updated System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.
NOTE: Project will be undergoing re-write to net 5. Expect no updates for the coming months, except for bugfixes.
HomeCinema v0.8.3.0 - Various UI changes and Improvements
NOTE: This update will change some data on the database, so it'll load slower than usual on first run.
What's New?
- Setting to skip entries not on Media Locations in setting.
- [View File] button: Browse to file on Movie Edit form.
- Timeout value not saving properly on settings.
- Some alerts doesn't fit the message.
UI Changes
- Changed controls from TextBox to ListBox for:
- 'Casts', 'Producer', 'Director', and 'Studio'.
- Renamed 'Actor' to 'Casts'.
- Removed 'Animated Movie' and 'Cartoon series' from 'Category'.
- Major UI Change on 'About' form.
- Moved [Check for Updates] button to 'About' form.
- Add 'Root folder' on Movie Edit form.
- Add hint to Media Extension settings form.
- Supress some messages when 'Confirm Actions' setting is toggled off.
- Use custom Message Box for various Input prompts.
Other Changes
- Closes all other forms upon exit, freeing memory.
- Focus on Main form after clicking Cancel on Movie Edit form.
- Limit search results on TMDB if 'Search Limit' is larger than 0.
- Add current Date to log filenames.
- Moved 'No TMDB Key' prompt to before update checking.
- Center alert on screen, if no parent form.
- Don't replace settings on app close.
- Improvement on Internet connectivity checker.
- Properly delete ListView item, if Movie is deleted.
- Various other changes. See ''.
HomeCinema v0.8.2 - UI Improvements
What's New?
- Keep track of progress on 'adding new entries' and 'searching/loading collection'.
- Add Episode count to Tooltip text.
- Add ToolStrip Menu, replacing most button controls.
- New Setting, 'Confirm Actions'. Setting it to 'No' supresses some alert prompts.
- New Setting to set timeout for various online functionalities.
- Added various icons to alert prompts.
- Anilist API not fetching English titles.
- Unsearchable media when results contains null json property.
- 'Sort by Year' error.
- Trailer not showing properly.
- Confirm replacing cover image only if it has an existing one.
- Confirm replacing info only if year is empty.
- Set default source on Movie edit form, depending on loaded category.
- If only 1 year is entered on search, use only that year.
- When trying to open a series, load its folder instead of highlighting folder on Windows Explorer.
- Improved handling of rate-limiting.
- Improved error-handling and its alert prompts.
- Updated UI of Movie Info edit form.
- Settings form minor change.
- Various code refactors and cleanups.
HomeCinema v0.8.1 - Follow-up Fixes
What's New?
- Add [No Info] button, to show entries with no IMDB and Anilist Id.
- Youtube trailers not saved properly on automatic fetching of info.
- Anilist Id not showing on Movie Info form.
- Series-related UIs are hidden on Movie Info form, if entry is not series.
HomeCinema v0.8 - Anime support and More!
NOTE: This update does not support all previous versions. Treat this as a Fresh First-use App.
New Stuff!
- Add Anilist support to fetch Anime-related media information. Closes Issue #10.
- Expandable and Collapsible Search panel and its filters. Closes Issue #13.
- Load your own TMDB API key from 'data/config.json' file, if its not empty.
- Add prompt on replacing current info with info fetched online, on Movie Info edit form.
- Fetch Episode and Season counts.
- Combined Media Location and Series Location paths. See the new setting on Settings form.
- Fetch media info automatically, only if it finds exactly 1 match. More information on Issue #14.
- New setting to change size of entry cover image on Main form.
- Covers not updating when fetching from TMDB, causing duplicate cover images.
- Sometimes, covers are not replaced by new cover.
- Cannot connect to TMDB API.
- Some Inaccuracy on query search.
- Use English title on search results (from fetching info online), if it exists.
- Duplicate TMDB request on finding movie IMDB Id.
- Entry sub-items not resetting when updating its item.
- Sanitize query with whitespaces on searching.
- Search both Movie and TV Series on Search form.
- Added RestSharp NuGet package.
- Added MakarovDev.ExpandCollapsePanel NuGet package.
- Refactored database, and related codes:
- Use
column for cross-referencing entries. - Cleanup queries.
- Moved all codes related to database to its own class 'SQLHelper'.
- Use
- Refactored mechanism for Saving/Loading settings.
- Better Robocopy script on Post-Build event.
- Various code cleanups; Removed unused methods, functions, and variables.
Full and detailed changes on ''.
HomeCinema v0.7.2
Fixes and Changes
- FIX: Double apostrophe on entry title. Closes Issue #11.
- MINOR: When year is empty, default to "0".
- GUI: Adjusted 'About' form.
- GUI: Reposition 'Original Title' on Movie Info editing form.
- Various "Under the Hood" changes.
HomeCinema v0.7.1 - Major Update
- FIX: Wrong Tooltip for [Settings] button.
- FIX: Media Extensions not saved properly. Closes Issue #8.
- REV: Add new Setting to confirm whenever [Search] button is pressed, or similar actions that reloads the Items. Closes issue #9
- REV: Added multiple prompts to confirm actions.
- MINOR: Report what setting is not saved.
- MINOR: Close 'Settings' form after saving.
- GUI: Reduced font size on [Save] and [Cancel] buttons on 'Settings' form.
- GUI: Re-positioned controls on Movie Details form.
Dev-related changes
- REV: Load Movie ID as datatype 'long'.
- REV: Refactored syntax for various 'SQLHelper' class methods.
- REV: Refactored 'btnSearch' click event to be modular.
- REV: Removed code forcing GC to collect.
- REV: Renamed 'GlobalVars' class namespace.
- MINOR: Changed Mutex scope to readonly.
- MINOR: Added documented comments for some 'GlobalVars' class methods.
- MINOR: Moved Event methods to designer.
- MINOR: Returns empty list if string array is empty or null on multiple methods.
- MINOR: Moved 'Config' class to subfolder 'JSONs'.
- DOCS: Added multiple docs for 'reporting issue' and 'submitting PRs'.
- Various code cleanups and minor refactors.
HomeCinema v0.7 - Major fixes and additional changes
Hotfixes on top of v0.6.1
- FIXED: HomeCinema database is not generated automatically, if not existing.
- FIXED: Showing 'File' instead of 'Folder' when viewing folder size of series on mouse hover of Movie Title.
Major Changes
- REV: On 'Edit Information', shows nothing on picture box when image cover is null.
- REV: Revert focus to Main Form after closing Settings form.
- REV: Increased delay on fetching TMDB entries, to not overload TMDB server.
- REV: Added multiple prompts for different scenarios that needed alerts.
Code-level changes
- REFACTOR: Updated queries to much simpler and efficient ones.
- REFACTOR: Convert scope of 'SQLHelper' class to static.
- REV: Added 'GlobalEnum' class to store Enums used anywhere.
- REV: Call ShowDialog() instead of Show() on 'frmAlert'.
- REV: Created method: 'GlobalVas.WriteListBoxToFile()' to write ListBox items to text file.
- REV: Added default constructor for 'frmAlert' and 'frmLoading'.
- REV: Refactored various methods to reflect changes on 'SQLHelper' and 'GlobalEnum' class.
- REV: Load information on entries with default values, if it cannot be loaded properly from database.
- REV: Added 'config' table on database. Currently WIP as it will be used to compare db version to app version.
- Various minor refactors and code cleanups.
HomeCinema v0.6.1 - Major Fixes
Hotfixes on top of v0.6
- FIXED: Unhandled Exception thrown when clicking "Edit Information" on empty result.
- FIXED: Update checking not working.
- FIXED: App not working for new users.
- REV: Moved update checking to trigger after collection is loaded.
- REV: When result from searching IMDB is double-clicked, select it.
- MINOR: Close frmLoading when ESC key is pressed.
HomeCinema v0.6 - Scalable UI Controls and Customizable UI
- FIXED: TMDB Key not recognized during startup.
What's New?
- REV: UI Controls are now scalable! It resizes and reposition based on the form size.
- Added minimum form size to limit window resizing.
- REV: Used customizable alert prompts. (Background and Foreground color can be set in Settings form).
- REV: NEW Setting: Auto Clean. Default 'ON'.
- If 'ON', cleans logs and temporary files on Startup.
- MINOR: Prompt user when IMDB link cannot be opened in browser.
- GUI: Updated the Icon.
- GUI: Changed Loading Icon.
- GUI: Reposition controls on General tab on Settings form.
- GUI: Alphabetically sort entries on Listbox for 'Country' and 'Genre'.
- GUI: Apply UI customization on prompt when adding entry to 'Country' and 'Genre' listbox.
Dev changes
- REV: Automatically refresh Country and Genre whenever Edit Information is clicked.
- REV: Refactored codes.
- REV: Prompt when there's no TMDB Key, also disable features that uses TMDB.
- MINOR: Removed overload for method 'GlobalVars.ShowWarning()'.
- MINOR: Don't show error message on method 'GlobalVars.ReadStringFromFile()'.
- MINOR: Moved all pre-load setup to 'Program.cs'.
- MINOR: Use 'MessageBox.Show()' method if Main Form is not loaded.