HomeCinema v0.8.3.0 - Various UI changes and Improvements
NOTE: This update will change some data on the database, so it'll load slower than usual on first run.
What's New?
- Setting to skip entries not on Media Locations in setting.
- [View File] button: Browse to file on Movie Edit form.
- Timeout value not saving properly on settings.
- Some alerts doesn't fit the message.
UI Changes
- Changed controls from TextBox to ListBox for:
- 'Casts', 'Producer', 'Director', and 'Studio'.
- Renamed 'Actor' to 'Casts'.
- Removed 'Animated Movie' and 'Cartoon series' from 'Category'.
- Major UI Change on 'About' form.
- Moved [Check for Updates] button to 'About' form.
- Add 'Root folder' on Movie Edit form.
- Add hint to Media Extension settings form.
- Supress some messages when 'Confirm Actions' setting is toggled off.
- Use custom Message Box for various Input prompts.
Other Changes
- Closes all other forms upon exit, freeing memory.
- Focus on Main form after clicking Cancel on Movie Edit form.
- Limit search results on TMDB if 'Search Limit' is larger than 0.
- Add current Date to log filenames.
- Moved 'No TMDB Key' prompt to before update checking.
- Center alert on screen, if no parent form.
- Don't replace settings on app close.
- Improvement on Internet connectivity checker.
- Properly delete ListView item, if Movie is deleted.
- Various other changes. See 'VERSION_HISTORY_DETAILED.md'.