This package was implemented using React, TypeScript, and LoopBack 4 and uses the IBM Carbon Design System. The database used for all data storage is IBM Cloudant.
- Linda Camillo (United States)
- Narayana Madineni (Australia)
- Jessica Nahulan (Canada)
- Jessika Welch (United States)
- Authors
- Overview
- The Solution
- How it works
- Architecture
- Technology
- Roadmap
- Try out our Extension yourself!
- Contributing
- License
Tackling climate change requires a concerted effort from each individual. Our shopping habits punish or reward food producers and distributors. We wish to empower consumers to make educated choices based on the greenhouse gas emissions, land use and other sustainability factors.
Shoppers are willing to spend more to purchase items produced sustainably. They lack the information to make these choices. Empowering consumers to make the best choices has the potential to change the landscape of retail and transport, and create more demand for sustainable products while reducing demand for eco-villains.
Shopping sustainably is a dynamic endeavor. While people are willing to shop sustainably, there is little information to guide them, and no agreed-upon methodology for defining what "Green" or "Eco-Friendly" means. Manufacturers can exploit this lack of standards to paint a deceptively greener picture than reality.
This problem is similar to the evolution of "organic" labeling certifications and validation. The time is right to create initial standards as a lens through which to evaluate comparable products. How much water does it take to produce California rice, compared to Iowa rice? How much greenhouse gases do cows emit vs. turkeys? There is a need to benchmark these products starting with consumer staples, and grow the database as the methodology is refined.
A database with sustainability metrics on common consumer staples that can be queried from any shopping cart through a simple Chrome browser extension will deliver product comparisons and score the shopping cart. The consumer will be prompted to substitute more sustainable products for high emissions products.
We propose developing standardized sustainability scores derived from public data, that allow consumers to compare apples to apples, or laptops to laptops, for GHG emissions, excess packaging, distance traveled to market, and other factors required to produce and stock items in stores.
Our solution Bee Green is a browser plugin that works alongside online shopping applications to educate consumers on the environmental impact of their buying habits, driving behavioral change across society from the grassroots. The goal is to empower users to shop greener and influence retailers to stock the products consumers demand.
Upon first use, consumers are delighted to shop smarter, greener and address their feelings of guilt and powerlessness through a simple, unobtrusive service with a couple of clicks upon checkout. With repeated use it becomes habit-forming and a fun way to track and grow their influence with shopper comparison and gamification, eventually going viral and helping others relieve guilt and take action.
The solution starts small with a few consumer staple items, then grows to include durables like computers and vehicles, driving long-term, high-impact change. The scope expands to producers, retailers, and transportation. Change happens at the grass roots, and individuals become part of a larger movement to revolutionize societal behaviors and bring about change.
Bee Green supports crowd-sourcing to build a public database. The next phase is to partner with retailers to share additional sustainability practices associated with their product mix, and to augment the data set. It will grow an online community of consumer-activists that work together to demand sustainable products. The third phase is a mobile app for in-store shopping, with augmented reality that reveals carbon scores of products on the shelf.
A proposed outcome of our solution is to create a community of climate activists who act with their wallets. At all stages on the roadmap, Bee Green interfaces will surface key sustainability data in a digestible format, and at the appropriate time, to enable any consumer to be a climate activist. Armed with sustainability metrics, shoppers reward producers and transport companies who operate sustainably. Conversely, they also pass over those producers and transporters who do not operate sustainably, withholding their consumer purchasing power from these "eco-villains."
Users can install the Bee Green browser extension with a single click.
The extension then adds a side tab that appears when the user visits their shopping cart or an item inspection screen on online stores. If they choose to summon the Bee Green app by interacting with the tab, Bee Green will pop-up a dialog which will:
- At checkout level, inspect the whole cart and let the user know the overall cart score, as well as individual scorings assigned to each item. Users may then go into view reviews let by other users on the specific items, or view alternate recommendations for these items. From this dialog, users may also go and make a donation in an attempt to offset their cart's carbon impact.
- At the item level, the dialog which appears would then provide users with the information they need to decide if they would like to proceed with adding this item to their cart or view alternate item suggestions.
Users may subsequently choose to visit the Bee Green website, wherein they can view an interactive dashboard to understand their shopping habits and get a summary of the impact they are making. Additionally they may see how they compare to other users in their region.
Architecture diagram above describes the flow for two different user paths: 1. shopping cart interaction using Bee Green browser extension, and 2. logging in to the Bee Green site to view personalised dashboard of statistics, history, and comparative analytics.
Bee Green combines a recommendation and cataloging system (Watson Studio), Cloudant data storage to hold the carbon scoring dataset, and a React-Typescript website and chrome extension to get users the information they need as they shop on their favorite online stores. A LoopBack4 backend is used to get users the information they need from the dataset and support the website's queries.
- IBM Cloud
- Watson Studio
- IBM Cloudant
- Node.js
- React
- TypeScript
- LoopBack 4
- Carbon Design System
- Watson Discovery
Our submission empowers an individual to make sustainable choices while shopping online, contribute to public database of sustainability metrics, view a personalised dashboard of the accomplished impact and use the extension on multiple online stores. Our solution supports the following features:
- Browser Extension - User can opt-in and install our browser extension, Bee Green. When user adds items to the cart, Bee Green extension shows sustainability metrics in shopping cart for each item, and sorts them by sustainability scores. The sustainability scores are generated based on publicly available data and include details about greenhouse gases emissions associated with land use, animal feed, farm, processing, transport, packaging and retail processes. It also provides links to contribute towards initiatives such as http://climatehub.ca/ or donate towards planting a tree to offset carbon emissions and be guilt-free.
- Product Matching Algorithm - Uses IBM Watson Studio to determine similarity between products, and recommends eco-friendly substitutions for products that do not have acceptable scores. This is a key trust-builder for Bee Green and will be validated through customer behavior and acceptance of the substitutions.
- Build Public Database - Allows crowd-sourcing to build public sustainability data metrics. Users can submit reviews about the carbon footprint of various product so that other users can benefit from the reviews. Additionally, users or companies may also submit their own reasonings and first hand account information that they may have towards a carbon scoring for an item already on the database or yet to be included, this information can then be processed and added as input to grow the database.
- Personalised Dashboard - Shows sustainability score, impact, relative metrics such as average cart ranks, favorite store, product substitutions made, avoided carbon emissions, best and worst purchase based on carbon emissions, monthly, yearly and comparative metrics with similar shoppers in the area.
- Online Store Agnostic - Works with multiple online stores and product categories. Supports stores such as: Instacart, Amazon and Apple Store.
IBM Cloud Technologies : IBM Watson Studio, IBM Cloudant, Loopback
Our solution will be expanded to include the following features:
- Build Online Community - Shopper Activists work together to demand sustainable products by sharing information and resources about retailers that embrace sustainability, and change their product mixes to accommodate new shopping patterns
- Expanded SKU database - Collect additional data metrics from reliable sources to expand the depth and breadth of products scored. With time, the database grows and the extension will support a wide-range of products.
- Leverage latest news and articles - Integrate Watson Discovery to help add value and expose public sentiment with respect to carbon emissions and certain brands and store items to the user. Watson Discovery can also help aid the ML system in determining the final rank score of an item by taking into account recent news and articles pertaining to the item.
- ML Insights - Use machine learning to extract insights and sustainability trends from shopping cart behavior including substitution success rates, growth in sales of more sustainable products. IBM Machine learning can be leveraged to provide the insights.
- Partner With Stores - Show sustainability practices and supply chain details provided by stores. Return gamified insights to participating retailers. Promote stores that consistently offer sustainable choices on the dashboard. Provide endorsement symbols in the shopping cart for substitutions. Customise the substitution offerings based on retailer's insights and unique product mix. Broaden and deepen the factors included in the product-matching algorithm's calculations. Including sustainability practices refines the matching algorithm to make better substitution recommendations.
IBM Cloud Technologies : IBM App ID, IBM Cloudant, IBM Machine Learning, IBM Watson Discovery
Our solution will be expanded to include the following features:
- Rewards Program - Reward sustainable shoppers to reinforce behaviour change. Whenever a shopper shops sustainably by making substitutes, offer reward points that can be converted into tree plantation or other climate initiatives.
- Augmented Reality Mobile App - Overlays carbon scores on physical shelf items so shoppers can make their most informed and impactful decisions in the moment, in physical stores. There is no need to plan ahead to make sustainable choices. Removes friction from the process.
- Live Product Comparison - Compare carbon scores for two products using augmented reality. When user points camera to two products, it can overlay carbon score comparison between the two products. Shelf placement generally supports competing products being placed in adjacent space. Bee Green will leverage that standard, and participating retailers can intentionally place the best products next to the worst in any category to dramatize the effect. Custom displays can further harness the power of comparison by featuring the most sustainable products in comparison with the worst, in perfect camera-ready format, for maximum impact. Over time, retailers will gradually phase out or improve the "eco-villains."
- Large Partnerships - Provide metrics for governments and corporates for procurement at scale. Impactful decisions start with consumer-activists, shift to retailers, and expand to include large organizations, like any grassroots movement.
IBM Cloud Technologies : IBM Cloudant, Augmented Reality, Flutter
Once the extension reaches wider user-base, endorsements for partner stores can be charged. Retailers and producers can participate in cross-promotions and purchase custom store graphics that highlight their sustainable products. Once the network effect has been achieved, the Bee Green brand equity can be leveraged as a product endorsement.
This solution eliminates the future costs of excess plastic cleanup from our oceans, and greenhouse gas emissions from our atmosphere.
Do you want to try out our extension and get a preview of the experience, without needing to connect to a server and without having to set up a dev environment? Then follow these steps:
- Download the
zip file found in this repository, and unzip the folder. - Open Chrome and navigate to
- Toggle on
Developer mode
in the top right corner - Click
Load unpacked
- Select the entire
**Note: For real data, you'd have to follow the instructions in the contributing section, as you'd need to connect to a database.
Before contributing to this repository, you will need the following tools installed:
- Register for an IBM Cloud account.
- Install and configure IBM Cloud CLI.
- Clone this repo repository
- Node.js (We recommended using v10 or above).
Click here if you wish to install via package manager.
- If you're on a macOS, we recommend using
to help manage different versions of Node.js
- If you're on a macOS, we recommend using
- Git. Learn more about Git here.
To test your changes, navigate to the Extension folder in your local cloned repo directory, ie. Github/BeeGreen/Extension
, and then you will need to run:
npm install
npm run start
This will build and transpile the Extension code, the output will be placed in the Extension/dist
If you do not have the database up and connected to the server code, and do not wish to use the real data from the database, then you'd need to first navigate to Extension/src/settings.ts
and update the devMode
attribute to true
before you run the above commands. Otherwise you could follow the steps below to get your server and database up and working.
- Open Chrome and navigate to
- Toggle on
Developer mode
in the top right corner - Click
Load unpacked
- Select the entire
Log into the IBM Cloud and provision a CouchDB instance using Cloudant.
- From the catalog, select Databases and then the Cloudant panel.
- Once selected, you can choose your Cloudant plan -- there is a free tier for simple testing that is sufficient to run this CIR example. You should choose an appropriate region, give the service a name, and it is recommended you choose Use only IAM under Available authentication methods. You can leave the other settings with their defaults. Click the blue Create button when ready.
- Once your Cloudant instance has been created, you need to create a service credential that the CIR API Server can use to communicate with it. By selecting your running Cloudant instance, you can choose Service credentials from the left-hand menu. Create a new service credential and give it a name (it doesn't matter what you call it).
- Once created, you can display the credentials by selecting view service credentials, and then copy the credential, so you are ready to paste it into the code of the API server in the next step.
To set up and launch the server application:
- Go to the
directory of the cloned repo. - Update the fields in BeeGreen/Server/src/datasources/beegreendb.datasource with the values created in the previous step.
name: 'beegreendb',
connector: 'cloudant',
url: 'xxx',
database: 'beegreendb',
username: 'xxx',
password: 'xxx',
modelIndex: 'loopback__model__beegreendb',
globalLimit: 1000
- Run the following command
npm install
From a terminal:
- Go to the
directory of the cloned repo. - Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Go to the Go to the
directory of the cloned repo. - Launch the server application locally or deploy to IBM Cloud:
- To run locally:
- Start the application:
npm start
. - The client server can be accessed at http://localhost:3000.
- The back-end server can be accessed at http://localhost:3001.
- Start the application:
- To deploy to IBM Cloud:
- Log in to your IBM Cloud account using the IBM Cloud CLI:
ibmcloud login
. - Target a Cloud Foundry org and space:
ibmcloud target --cf
. - Push the app to IBM Cloud:
ibmcloud app push
. - The server can be accessed at a URL using the name given in the
file (for example, https://my-app-name.bluemix.net).
- Log in to your IBM Cloud account using the IBM Cloud CLI:
- To run locally:
When it comes to code contributions, we generally follow the Gitflow workflow model: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows/gitflow-workflow.
When contributing to this package, your work should always be done in a new branch. We use feature branches.
What are feature branches: https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows/feature-branch-workflow
Each new feature should always reside in its own branch. When a feature is complete, it gets merged back into the master branch.
When your work is done, submit your pull request and once it has been approved, you can merge your branch.
Follow this pattern exactly so that searching is easier:
Prefix | Use Case |
feature | New feature addition |
defect | Bug or defect fix |
wip | Works in progress |
junk | Throwaway branch created to experiment |
Example branch name:
Bee Green is made available under the Apache 2 License.