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SPAN Peak Analyzer

|SPAN Semi-supervised Peak Analyzer|
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SPAN Peak Analyzer is a universal HMM-based peak caller capable of processing a broad range of ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq, and single-cell ATAC-seq datasets of different quality.

Open Access Paper: Shpynov O, Dievskii A, Chernyatchik R, Tsurinov P, Artyomov MN. Semi-supervised peak calling with SPAN and JBR Genome Browser. Bioinformatics. 2021 May 21.


  • Supports both narrow and broad footprint experiments
  • Produces robust results on datasets of different signal-to-noise ratio, including Ultra-Low-Input ChIP-seq
  • Produces highly consistent results in multiple-replicates experiment setup
  • Tolerates missing control experiment
  • Integrated into the JetBrains Research ChIP-seq analysis pipeline from raw reads to visualization and peak calling
  • Integrated with the JBR Genome Browser, uploaded data model allows for interactive visualization and fine-tuning
  • Experimentally supports multi-replicated mode and differential peak calling mode
  • In semi-supervised mode it is capable to robustly handle multiple replicates and noise by leveraging limited manual annotation information.

Latest release

See releases section for actual information.


Download and install Java 8+.

Peak calling

To analyze a single (possibly replicated) biological condition use analyze command. See details with command:

$ java -jar span.jar analyze --help

The <output.bed> file will contain predicted and FDR-controlled peaks in the ENCODE broadPeak (BED 6+3) format:

<chromosome> <peak start offset> <peak end offset> <peak_name> <score> . <coverage or fold/change> <-log p-value> <-log Q-value>


  • Regular peak calling
    java -Xmx8G -jar span.jar analyze -t ChIP.bam -c Control.bam --cs Chrom.sizes -p Results.peak
  • Semi-supervised peak calling
    java -Xmx8G -jar span.jar analyze -t ChIP.bam -c Control.bam --cs Chrom.sizes -l Labels.bed -p Results.peak
  • Model fitting only
    java -Xmx8G -jar span.jar analyze -t ChIP.bam -c Control.bam --cs Chrom.sizes -m Model.span

Differential peak calling

Experimental! To compare two (possibly replicated) biological conditions use the compare. See help for details:

$ java -jar span.jar compare --help

Command line options

Parameter Description
-t, --treatment TREATMENT
Treatment file. Supported formats: BAM, BED, or BED.gz file.
If multiple files are provided, they are treated as replicates.
Multiple files should be separated by commas: -t A,B,C.
Multiple files are processed as replicates on the model level.
-c, --control CONTROL Control file. Multiple files should be separated by commas.
A single control file, or a separate file per each treatment file is required.
Follow the instructions for -t, --treatment.
-cs, --chrom.sizes CHROMOSOMES_SIZES
Chromosome sizes file for the genome build used in TREATMENT and CONTROL files.
Can be downloaded at UCSC.
-b, --bin BIN_SIZE Peak analysis is performed on read coverage tiled into consequent bins of configurable size. Default: 100
-f, --fdr FDR False Discovery Rate cutoff to call significant regions. Default: 0.05
-p, --peaks PEAKS Resulting peaks file in ENCODE broadPeak* (BED 6+3) format.
If omitted, only the model fitting step is performed.
--fragment FRAGMENT Fragment size. If provided, reads are shifted appropriately.
If not provided, the shift is estimated from the data.
--fragment 0 is recommended for ATAC-Seq data processing.
-kd, --keep-duplicates Keep duplicates. By default, SPAN filters out redundant reads aligned at the same genomic position.
Recommended for bulk single cell ATAC-Seq data processing.
--blacklist BLACKLIST_BED Blacklisted regions of the genome to be excluded from peak calling results.
--labels LABELS Labels BED file. Used in semi-supervised peak calling.
-m, --model MODEL This option is used to specify SPAN model path. Required for further semi-supervised peak calling.
-w, --workdir PATH Path to the working directory. Used to save coverage and model cache.
--sensitivity SENSITIVITY Configures log sensitivity for candidates selection.
Automatically estimated from the data, or during semi-supervised peak calling.
--gap GAP Configures minimal gap between peaks.
Generally, not required, but used in semi-supervised peak calling.
--noclip Disables local coverage based clipping of peaks, useful for low quality data.
--multiple TEST Method applied for multiple hypothesis testing.
BH for Benjamini-Hochberg, BF for Bonferroni. Default: BH
-i, --iterations Maximum number of iterations for Expectation Maximisation (EM) algorithm.
--tr, --threshold Convergence threshold for EM algorithm, use --debug option to see detailed info.
--ext Save extended states information to model file.
Required for model visualization in JBR Genome Browser.
--deep-analysis Perform additional track analysis - coverage (roughness) and creates multi-sensitivity bed track.
--threads THREADS Configure the parallelism level.
-l, --log LOG Path to log file, if not provided, it will be created in working directory.
-d, --debug Print debug information, useful for troubleshooting.
-q, --quiet Turn off standard output.
-kc, --keep-cache Keep cache files. By default SPAN creates cache files in working directory and removes them after computation is done.


Step-by-step example with test dataset is available here.

Build from sources

Clone bioinf-commons library under the project root.

git clone

Launch the following command line to build SPAN jar:

./gradlew shadowJar

The SPAN jar file will be generated in the folder build/libs.


  • Q: What is the average running time?
    A: SPAN is capable of processing a single ChIP-Seq track in less than 20 minutes on an average laptop.
  • Q: Which operating systems are supported?
    A: SPAN is developed in modern Kotlin programming language and can be executed on any platform supported by java.
  • Q: Where did you get this lovely span picture?
    A: From, the original author goes by the name jgs.

Errors Reporting

Use GitHub issues to suggest new features or report bugs.


JetBrains Research BioLabs