Your Square Cloud in our hearts!
curl -k
Currently, you can only monitor one application. Your contribution to the code is welcome! As long as it doesn't deviate from its intended purpose. I will gradually add future updates with a complete Square Cloud API. The file is executable. Simply run chmod +x
and execute ./
______ _______ _ _
/ _____) (_______)| | | |
( (____ ____ _ _ _____ ____ _____ _ | | ___ _ _ __| |
\____ \ / _ || | | |(____ | / ___)| ___ | | | | | / _ \ | | | | / _ |
_____) )| |_| || |_| |/ ___ || | | ____| | |_____ | | | |_| || |_| |( (_| |
(______/ \__ ||____/ \_____||_| |_____) \______) \_) \___/ |____/ \____|
Note: Make sure you have jq and lolcat installed in your Linux/Unix-based terminal.
apt install jq -y
apt install lolcat -y