- GUI to facilitate codeigniter app installation
- PHP Version >= 5.6
- jic/_data directory must be writable by PHP
CI 3.1.6 is included with it and is configured
Clone or download this repository
Codeigniter application folder is jic/codeigniter/application
Codeigniter system folder is jic/codeigniter/system
Clone or download this repository
you only need "jic" folder, you can delete "public_html" and "jic/codeigniter" directory
EDIT your codeigniter config/config.php and change respective lines to
$config['base_url'] = \JI::I()->config('base_url');
$config['encryption_key'] = \JI::I()->config('encryption_key');
- EDIT your codeigniter config/database.php and change respective lines to
'hostname' => \JI::I()->config('db.host'),
'username' => \JI::I()->config('db.username') ,
'password' => \JI::I()->config('db.password'),
'database' => \JI::I()->config('db.name'),
'dbprefix' => \JI::I()->config('db.prefix'),
- in your public root index.php, add follwing lines to the top
require( '/path/jic/include_me.php');
$env = 'prod' // enivoronment name, just a unique key to keep configuration seperate
// passing third parameter true will auto run installation if not installed already
\JI::run( __DIR__, $env, TRUE );
Now you can access your url
- Before passing code to client OR if you want to reinstall, delete content of directory jic/_data