DeCerts is a blockchain-based application that will store and verify documents issued by the college to the students. Before uploading the file on IPFS, a QR Code is generated which is then embedded in the document. Issuance of certain documents, for instance an academic transcript requires a fee of Rs. 400. Whenever a third party(University/Company) wants to verify the document, they can scan the QR Code and verify it. There is a small fee associated with the verification process.
Biconomy has been used to implement Gasless transactions and IPFS to store the documents.
- Harsh Nag
- Smit Sekhadia
- Dhruv Kunajadiya
- Neel Shah
- Companies/Universities are concerned whether a certificate provided to them is legit or forged.
- Manual verification/offline visits is a tedious procedure and takes weeks to complete.
- Use of physical documents is also inconvenient and inefficient in today’s fast paced digital world.
- Physical documents can be misplaced easily.
- Use of blockchain to maintain integrity and for authentication.
- Use of IPFS storage to store all the documents digitally on a decentralized network.
- Automation of the verification system using QR code.
- Use of celo Testnet network for deployment of the contract and performnig Transactions.
- QR Code Verification
- IPFS Storage of Documents
- Upgradable Smart Contracts
- NextJS
- Solidity
- Perform Gasless Transactions using Biconomy
- Mobile Application for students.
- Support a larger number of document types.
- Categorizing staffs into multipile levels.
- Generating stats.