This is a weather app that allows users to get current weather data for any city in the world.
- Demo
- Features
- Technologies Used
- Getting Started
- Available Scripts
- How It Works
- Future Improvements
- Challenges and Learnings
You can view a live demo of the project SkySymphony.
- Fetch weather data for any city
- Display temperature, weather condition, humidity, and wind speed
- Responsive and clean UI design
- Automatically displays weather for London on page load
- React (for building the UI)
- Vite (for fast development environment)
- JavaScript/JSX (for logic and structure)
- Axios (for fetching weather data from OpenWeatherMap API)
- CSS (for styling)
Follow these steps to run the project locally:
Ensure that Node.js and npm are installed on your machine. If not, you can download them from here.
Clone the repository:
git clone cd SkySymphony
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm run dev
Open your browser and navigate to
to see the app in action.
npm run dev
: Start the development server.npm run build
: Build the app for production.npm run preview
: Preview the production build locally.
The SkySymphony Weather App uses the OpenWeatherMap API to fetch and display real-time weather data for any city.
- Fetching Weather Data: The app uses Axios to send a GET request to the OpenWeatherMap API, retrieving data such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, and weather conditions.
- Search Functionality: Users can type in the name of a city in the input box and click the "Get Weather" button to retrieve the weather information for that location.
- Displaying Data: The app shows the temperature in Celsius, the weather description (e.g., clear sky), the humidity percentage, and the wind speed in meters per second.
- Default Weather: On page load, the weather for London is automatically fetched and displayed.
- Add a 5-day weather forecast.
- Implement geolocation to get weather data for the user’s current location.
- Improve the user interface with additional animations and graphics.
- Add error handling for invalid city names.
- API Integration: Integrating the OpenWeatherMap API was a key challenge, particularly learning how to handle asynchronous data fetching and updating the UI in real time.
- State Management: Using React's
hooks effectively to manage and update weather data on user input was a great learning experience. - Responsiveness: Designing a clean and responsive user interface helped in understanding CSS layouts and how to make them adaptable to different screen sizes.
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