Have you ever wanted to add a song to the current playlist at a party, only to have to ask the host to give you the smartphone so you can add it?
Not anymore! All the host has to do is share a link and you can add the songs straight away - no account required!
Still in beta and not yet party battle tested
- GitHub Account (free is fine)
- Spotify Account (free is fine)
- Cloudflare Account (free is fine)
- Fork this repo on GitHub
- Link GitHub and Pages by following the instructions and the select the forked SpotHotPlay repo
- On the next site keep everything as it is and hit 'Save and Deploy'
- Wait for the success message on the top and copy the url (it should be something like https://SpotHotPlay-xx.pages.dev/)
- Now create a new Spotify App and set the url from 4. as redirect url and append /api/v1/authorize (e.g. https://SpotHotPlay-xx.pages.dev/api/v1/authorize)
- Go to the settings of the fresh created app (keep the tab open)
- Create a new KV Namespace 'SPT_TOKEN'
- Bind the KV: Select your Pages project > Settings > Functions > KV namespace bindings > Add binding with Variable name 'SPT_KV' and KV Namespace 'SPT_TOKEN'
- Now let's create the (production) Environment variables: Same page > Environment Variables
→ Spotify App client id (copy from step 6.)
→ Spotify App client secret (copy from step 6.)
→ ID of Spotify playlist to which songs are added
→ The name of the party - choose whatever you like. Will be visible to users
- Authorize the app by opening /api/v1/connect (e.g. https://SpotHotPlay-xx.pages.dev/api/v1/connect)
Open /?partyID=<PARTY_ID from step 9> e.g. https://SpotHotPlay-xx.pages.dev/?partyID=MySuperParty
Not affiliated with Spotify