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Joel Bender edited this page Apr 5, 2016 · 1 revision

Welcome to the BACpypes wiki!

I thought this would be a good place to document the project workflow and the status of issues.

Static Branches

The branches listed below are persistent through the life of the project.

The master branch is the most recent released version of the library, sample code, and documentation.

The stage branch contains all of the issue branches merged together when the issue has been resolved. When it is time for a new release, all of the tests are run to make sure that new issues haven't been introduced, and the stage is merged into the master, then the master branch is tagged as a release.

The samples branch is used to update sample code when there are changes to samples that are not related to a specific change in the library. I anticipated making a lot of sample applications and fewer changes to the library, but as it turns out, there are a lot of changes to the library. The samples branch is merged into the master before each release.

The doc branch is used to update the project documentation. Hey, stop that, it happens. When the documentation files (the Sphinx reStructured text files) are updated, they are then merged directly into the master branch, without generating a release or having to go through the stage branch, because when it does happen, it shouldn't have to wait for a release.

Issue Branches

Each issue is given its own branch from stage when someone is ready to start working on the issue. When the work has completed the issue is closed and the issue branch is merged back into stage. At the conclusion of the release the issue branches for closed issues are deleted. The developers can then run git pull --prune to delete the local branches if they have them checked out.

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