"The app that makes saving easy!"
A school thesis project at the end of my front-end developer class at Medieinstitutet!
Sparhinken is an app where the user is able to get a better understanding and overview of its private economy.
The main idea of this app is to get people more interested in the private economy and the importance of having buffer savings.
The app is meant to be seen as a visual tool for learning and a fun "think outside the box" perspective for people that is not interested in the private economy.
The basics of this plan are to picture buckets that are being filled with water, when the first bucket is filled it spills over to the next one, and so on. The sizes of buckets are controlled by the fixed monthly expenses.
Like in most games, we are controlling resources in a visual way, I like to make saving i bit more fun with this mindset!
In the simplest way, it is a strategy that is made up of buckets, each bucket of up to 4 varies in size and should be filled with different assets.
Bucket 1. The first bucket acts like buffer savings, with a low risk of losing money like an investment in a regular bank account with interest. And a size that is recommended to be about 3 months of expenditures. If greater risk of needing more money, like if you own a house, it probably should be a bit bigger. The main goal is to be able to sleep well at night, knowing that you have money if needed.
Bucket 2. This one should be a bit bigger, the aim is 5 times larger than the first one. For investment, a portfolio of 60% Stocks and 40% bonds is a great choice, a good mix between risk and return. The aim of this bucket is to expand the buffer but with some greater risk. As the stocks investment sort should be, I do believe in Index stocks.
Bucket 3. This is the High-risk bucket! When the first two are filled you should start filling this one, it can grow as big as you want! The investment assets should be 100% Stocks, the recommendation is also Index Stocks. This one is a great pension-saving bucket. Long savings horizon!
Bucket 4. Optional! With this bucket, you are able to live out any investment interest that you may have. As an aim, it should not exceed 10% in the size of bucket 3. And should be filled with alternative investments like gold certificates, crypto, wine, or art collections.
In this way, I think that you can eliminate the worry about money, just stick to this simple plan and believe in the system! This is a guide and not life style. Don't forget to live life and spend money when you can, as in everything, balance is key.
"Money is not money until it is spent."
Idea and inspiration is directly taken from “RikaTillsammans” https://rikatillsammans.se/fyra-hinkar/
Overall economic inspiration: https://rikatillsammans.se/kom-igang/borja-spara-och-investera/
When entering the app, the link in the center view takes the user to the Guide where the idea is presented and why you should try this app.
After creating an account the user enters the settings section, here is a name, and most importantly the fixed monthly expenses for the user's privet economy are needed. When submitted the next view is the Dashboard, where the user can create their first bucket.
In the bucket view for bucket 1, some tips are available such as what the name of the bucket could be, the intent of this bucket, and the amounts. When saved the user can get an overview of up to 4 available buckets from the dashboard.
- Built with React library and TypeScript
- Sass for styling compiling
- FontAwsome and React-icons for icons
- Firestore as database
- Firebase for authentication
- Firebase for hosting
This is not financial advice in any form, the "recommendations" in the app is a guidelines and may not suit everyone. Please read more about terms on https://sparhinken.web.app/terms
- React-router-dom
- React-icons
- React-loader-spinner
- React-tooltip
- Firebase
- Font-awesome
- Sass
Clone or download repo, to start this project, run in terminal when in root folder: