This repository contains an easy-to-use PyTorch version of Multi-Object Datasets for multi-object representation learning, used in developing scene decomposition methods like MONet [1], IODINE [2], and SIMONe [3]. The datasets we provide are (literally) the same as the original tensorflow repository:
If you are not familiar with these datasets, please read their descriptions here first: Multi-Object Datasets
If you use one of these datasets in your work, please cite the original authors as follows:
title={Multi-Object Datasets},
author={Kabra, Rishabh and Burgess, Chris and Matthey, Loic and
Kaufman, Raphael Lopez and Greff, Klaus and Reynolds, Malcolm and
Lerchner, Alexander},
The howpublished url is updated and links to this repository.
The datasets are implemented as torch VisionDataset. Therefore, they are as easy to use as other built-in datasets in PyTorch. We automated the download process of the tfrecord files (using gsutil as described in the original repository). These files are then converted to hdf5 to eliminate tensorflow as a dependency after this step.
Note that we convert the channel format of 'image'
and 'mask'
from HxWxC
to CxHxW
. In practice, this means you should use torchvision.transforms.ConvertImageDtype
instead of the common torchvision.transforms.ToTensor
for your images. Apart from this change, data remains identical to the source tfrecord files!
There exist two notable alternatives to our implementation:
They are slightly more complicated to get started BUT, they provide additional code to train some really cool models if this is what you are looking for!
First, you have to install pytorch and tensorflow manually:
# mandatory deps: install these manually
pip install tensorflow-cpu
pip install torch torchvision
# optional deps: these are installed automatically but we show them here for transparency
pip install h5py tqdm numpy gsutil
pip install git+
Note that tensorflow is only required for conversion, and we only import it when you actually have to convert the data. This means that after conversion, you can use the datasets in other environments without tensorflow!
Second, install multi-object-datasets-torch:
# for usage:
pip install git+
# for development:
git clone
pip install -e ./multi_object_datasets_torch/
After import, the datasets can be used in the same way as other built-in VisionDatasets in PyTorch:
from multi_object_datasets_torch import MultiDSprites, ObjectsRoom, ClevrWithMasks, Tetrominoes, CaterWithMasks
training_data = MultiDSprites("~/datasets")
test_data = MultiDSprites("~/datasets", split="Test")
from import DataLoader
train_dataloader = DataLoader(training_data, batch_size=64, shuffle=True, num_workers=2)
test_dataloader = DataLoader(test_data, batch_size=64, shuffle=True, num_workers=2)
All datasets share the following signature:
root, # str: the root directory of your data
split='Train', # str: select train, test or val
ttv=[100, 50, 50], # list: the size of [train, test, val]
transforms={}, # dict: mapping feature names to transforms
download=True, # bool: download the dataset
convert=True # bool: convert the requested ttv
has an additional argument version=
: 'binarized'
, 'colored_on_colored'
, 'colored_on_grayscale'
has additional (out-of-distribution test) split options: 'empty_room'
, 'identical_color'
, 'six_objects'
Data is always returned as dict, with features as keys and values converted to torch.Tensor
. For instance:
training_data = ObjectsRoom("~/datasets")
# ['image', 'mask']
# {
# 'image': tensor([...], dtype=torch.uint8),
# 'mask': tensor([...], dtype=torch.uint8)
# }
If you want to apply transforms to these features, you can do so by providing a matching dict:
from torchvision import transforms as T
training_transforms = {
'image': T.CenterCrop(32),
'mask': T.CenterCrop(32)
training_data = ObjectsRoom("~/datasets", transforms=training_transforms)
Please note that images (and masks) are of shape CxHxW
with dtype=torch.uint8
in range 0-255
. Instead of the common ToTensor
transform, simply use ConvertImageDtype
to cast and rescale them to some float
type and range 0-1
, e.g. like so:
import torch
from torchvision import transforms as T
img_transforms = T.Compose([
training_transforms = {
'image': img_transforms
In general, ensure to use transformations that expect torch.Tensor
and CxHxW
format (for 'image'
and 'mask'
You can compare predicted object segmentation masks with the ground-truth masks using segmentation_metrics.adjusted_rand_index
as below:
from multi_object_datasets_torch import flatten_and_one_hot, adjusted_rand_index
from multi_object_datasets_torch import random_predictions_like
# the dataset/loader returns labels with shape:
# [batch_size, max_num_entities, channels, height, width]
masks = next(iter(test_dataloader))['mask']
# the ari method requires labels and predictions to be one-hot with shape:
# [batch_size, n_points, n_true_groups]
# where:
# n_points = (channels*height*width) and
# n_true_groups = max_num_entities
true_groups_oh = flatten_and_one_hot(masks)
rand_preds_oh = random_predictions_like(masks, 'onehot')
ari = adjusted_rand_index(true_groups_oh, rand_preds_oh)
To exclude all background pixels from the ARI score (as in [2]), you can compute it as follows instead. This assumes the first true group contains all background pixels:
# internally, this will set true_groups_oh = true_groups_oh[..., 1:]
ari_fg = adjusted_rand_index(true_groups_oh, rand_preds_oh, ignore_background=True)
In addition, you can calculate the segmentation covering (SC) and unweighted mean segmentation covering (mSC) scores (as in [4]) with segmentation_metrics.average_segcover
as below:
from multi_object_datasets_torch import average_segcover
# the sc method requires labels and predictions to be categorical (integer encoded) with shape:
# [batch_size, 1, height, width]
# which can be done with a simple argmax on the max_num_entities dimension (for the labels):
true_groups_cat = masks.argmax(dim=1)
rand_preds_cat = random_predictions_like(masks, 'categorical')
mean_sc, scaled_sc = average_segcover(true_groups_cat, rand_preds_cat, ignore_background=False)
This section is intended as a technical reference, i.e. a short summary of what you can expect from each dataset. If you are not familiar with the datasets in general, please read their descriptions here: Multi-Object Datasets
The tfrecord files are ~2.3 GB in total with a max. of 1,000,000 samples per version.
from multi_object_datasets_torch import MultiDSprites
training_data = MultiDSprites(
ttv=[90000, 5000, 5000],
version='colored_on_grayscale', # 'binarized', 'colored_on_colored'
# feature shape dtype
'color' [n, 3] torch.float32
'image' [ 3, 64, 64] torch.uint8
'mask' [n, 1, 64, 64] torch.uint8
'orientation' [n] torch.float32
'scale' [n] torch.float32
'shape' [n] torch.float32
'visibility' [n] torch.float32
'x' [n] torch.float32
'y' [n] torch.float32
# with
n=4 for 'binarized'
n=5 for 'colored_on_colored'
n=6 for 'colored_on_grayscale'
The tfrecord files are ~7 GB in total with a max. of 1,000,000 samples. The ood test splits 'empty_room'
, 'identical_color'
and 'six_objects'
have 922 samples each and are always loaded with ttv=[0, 922, 0]
, independent of what you request.
from multi_object_datasets_torch import ObjectsRoom
training_data = ObjectsRoom(
ttv=[90000, 5000, 5000],
# feature shape dtype
'image' [ 3, 64, 64] torch.uint8
'mask' [n, 1, 64, 64] torch.uint8
# with
n=7 for 'train', 'test', 'val'
n=4 for 'empty_room'
n=10 for 'identical_color'
n=10 for 'six_objects'
The tfrecord file is ~10 GB in total with a max. of 100,000 samples.
from multi_object_datasets_torch import ClevrWithMasks
training_data = ClevrWithMasks(
ttv=[90000, 5000, 5000],
# feature shape dtype
'color' [11] torch.uint8
'image' [ 3, 240, 320] torch.uint8
'mask' [11, 1, 240, 320] torch.uint8
'material' [11] torch.uint8
'pixel_coords' [11, 3] torch.float32
'rotation' [11] torch.float32
'shape' [11] torch.uint8
'size' [11] torch.uint8
'visibility' [11] torch.float32
'x' [11] torch.float32
'y' [11] torch.float32
'z' [11] torch.float32
# Preprocessing from IODINE paper, see Supplementary PDF - B.1. CLEVR:
from torchvision import transforms as T
T.Resize(128, T.InterpolationMode.NEAREST)
The tfrecord file is ~300 MB in total with a max. of 1,000,000 samples.
from multi_object_datasets_torch import Tetrominoes
training_data = Tetrominoes(
ttv=[90000, 5000, 5000],
# feature shape dtype
'color' [4, 3] torch.float32
'image' [ 3, 35, 35] torch.uint8
'mask' [4, 1, 35, 35] torch.uint8
'shape' [4] torch.float32
'visibility' [4] torch.float32
'x' [4] torch.float32
'y' [4] torch.float32
The tfrecord files are ~12 GB in total with a max. of 56,464 samples. This is the only dataset with explicit tfrecord files for test and train. Since we convert them to one single hdf5 file, the intended splits are replicated by the default ttv=[39364, 17100, 0]
from multi_object_datasets_torch import CaterWithMasks
training_data = CaterWithMasks(
ttv=[39364, 17100, 0],
# feature shape dtype
'camera_matrix' [33, 4, 4] torch.float32
'image' [33, 3, 64, 64] torch.uint8
'mask' [33, 11, 1, 64, 64] torch.uint8
'object_positions' [33, 11, 3] torch.float32
Note that the 'mask' Tensor in cater is now 5-dimensional and not all
can handle that out of the box. For instance,transforms.Resize
is only implemented for 3- and 4-dimensional Tensors. In such cases, either implement a custom solution (e.g. apply sequentially) or, if possible, switch to e.g.transforms.v2.Resize
which can have an arbitrary number of leading batch dimensions.
[1] Burgess, C. P., Matthey, L., Watters, N., Kabra, R., Higgins, I., Botvinick, M., & Lerchner, A. (2019). Monet: Unsupervised scene decomposition and representation. arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.11390.
[2] Greff, K., Kaufman, R. L., Kabra, R., Watters, N., Burgess, C., Zoran, D., Matthey, L., Botvinick, M., & Lerchner, A. (2019). Multi-Object Representation Learning with Iterative Variational Inference. Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, in PMLR 97:2424-2433.
[3] Kabra, R., Zoran, D., Erdogan, G., Matthey, L., Creswell, A., Botvinick, M., Lerchner, A., & Burgess, C. P. (2021). SIMONe: View-Invariant, Temporally-Abstracted Object Representations via Unsupervised Video Decomposition. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.
[4] Engelcke M., Kosiorek A. R., Parker Jones O., Posner I., (2020). GENESIS: Generative Scene Inference and Sampling with Object-Centric Latent Representations. International Conference on Learning Representations