gcc hello.c -o outputfilename -lm -O3
#...the "-lm" must be after most other settings, or else sometimes it won't compile.
./outputfilename | ./ outputimagebasename -
-the top of the image is y=0, and corresponds to the lowest of all imaginary values in the image.
-the seed value c itself is sometimes not included (brightened) in buddhabrots generated by this project.
-Sometimes, generated images have slightly brighter pixels along two edges, maybe indicating a rounding error somewhere. This would affect whether generated images can ever be 100% perfectly superimposed on other images generated by other programs with the same camera position and zoom settings.
-(tested on ubuntu): Generating images much larger than 16384x16384 pixels, such as 18000x18000, reliably causes crashes.
future plans:
-dissolved axis support. (row.get(x, c)=row.items[x*maxC + c] if c is a dissolved axis).
-filtering and resizing kernels. intermediate channels.
-add intersection testing, just like in RelentlessFractals.
-float panel simulation - coloring journey points based on what shapes they form with their neighbors at the same iteration index.
-output directly to .pam from c.