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Releases: JohnKun136NVCP/JohnKunWebsite v1.1.2

03 Dec 22:29
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Languages avaible ✔️

  • Japanese version.
  • English version.
  • Spanish version.
  • German version. (Still in progress)
  • French version. (Still in progress)

Features ☪️

  • Fist article "Hatsune Miku" (Finished).
  • Second article "ESP32 project" (Finished).
  • Added music to 404 page.
  • Added pagination for more articles.
  • Changed all pictures (jpg, png, etc.) to webp
  • First article "Hatsune is not a hologram (English, Spanish, Japanese versions is available).
  • Second article "ESP32 Port Mirror (English, Spanish and Japanese versions is available). v1.1.0

22 Oct 07:27
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Languages avaible ✔️

  • Japanese version.
  • English version.
  • Spanish version.

Features ☪️

  • Fist article "Hatsune Miku" Still in progress.
  • Changed language depending your browser language.
  • Added 404 page.
  • Added .htacces for server (Github) -> Test.
  • Added stylesError.css for 404 page.
  • On class boton fixed margin-top from 3 to 4 rem.
  • Added a new class for width 25% on styles.css
  • Deleted scroll snap as align as stop.
  • Changed class forms to padding 4rem.
  • Reduces size field's class to 9rem.
  • Added a new class for blog section.
  • Class search to filter projects.
  • Added styles for a list.
  • Added tags classes for anime, science,technology.
  • Added tags for images.
  • First article "Hatsune is not a hologram" (English, Spanish, Japanese versions is available).
  • Second article "Mirror, Mirror on the Net!" (English, Spanish, Japanese versions is available).
  • Third article "PyMailCat: Designing a Graphical Interface for Sending Emails in Python" (English, Spanish, Japanese versions is available). v1.0.2

18 Sep 04:41
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New features.

  1. On index class "nav-bg" was rename directories for english language.
  2. Applied class titlemain to h2 on contact section
  3. It was removed section where icons've been and moved to footer tag.
  4. Added javascript:
    5.bottton.js: scroll to up when user scrolls to down or footer page (only implemented on aboutme.html).
  5. imaget.js: appear and desappear images when someone is scrilloling (not implemented - Only Test)
  6. textt,js: appear and desappear text when someone is scrilloling (not implemented - Only Test)
  7. swiper.js: Framework to work swiper on aboutme.html
  8. Added images to img directory
    1. Added new styles of google fonts: Noto Sans JP, PT Sans and Yuji Hentaigana Akari.
  9. New styles was included on root as variable.
  10. Changed font-family (headers) to var(--fontheaders);
  11. Added a class, it was called "center-text" where text-align: center;
  12. Fixed class "contenedor" with a width of 90% and added a rendimention with min.
  13. added class for a tags from contenedor that changed cyan color and decoration was none and a boid text of 700.
  14. Added a new path for conctactImg (train image).
  15. It was commented Scroll snap and was changed because on indext.html some parts of ones sections could not watch the information.
  16. It fiexed with another scroll snap tat scroll-snap-align is on start.
  17. On class service p was changed line height to 1.3 and added font family for bodyfont.
    On section "About me".
  18. It was created a mediaquery to make website flexbox.
  19. Created a class: contenedorText. To aling the text with an image.
  20. On contenedorText -> .aboutme__imgR and L. It was implemented for fixing images.
  21. On p impleneted styles
  22. It was a creaded styles for botton to up.
  23. swiper's class was created to get styles for every card as background.
  24. japanesestyle's span class to apply new font family and color
  25. ONLY TEST: Created new clases to implement with .js files for animations
    On aboutme.html
  26. Added new fontstyles.
    2.Created sections for background image
  27. Navegation cards with animes
  28. Playlist spotify
  29. Sections for personal description