Releases: JohnKun136NVCP/JohnKunWebsite
Releases · JohnKun136NVCP/JohnKunWebsite v1.1.2
Languages avaible ✔️
- Japanese version.
- English version.
- Spanish version.
- German version. (Still in progress)
- French version. (Still in progress)
Features ☪️
- Fist article "Hatsune Miku" (Finished).
- Second article "ESP32 project" (Finished).
- Added music to 404 page.
- Added pagination for more articles.
- Changed all pictures (jpg, png, etc.) to webp
- First article "Hatsune is not a hologram (English, Spanish, Japanese versions is available).
- Second article "ESP32 Port Mirror (English, Spanish and Japanese versions is available). v1.1.0
Languages avaible ✔️
- Japanese version.
- English version.
- Spanish version.
Features ☪️
- Fist article "Hatsune Miku" Still in progress.
- Changed language depending your browser language.
- Added 404 page.
- Added .htacces for server (Github) -> Test.
- Added stylesError.css for 404 page.
- On class boton fixed margin-top from 3 to 4 rem.
- Added a new class for width 25% on styles.css
- Deleted scroll snap as align as stop.
- Changed class forms to padding 4rem.
- Reduces size field's class to 9rem.
- Added a new class for blog section.
- Class search to filter projects.
- Added styles for a list.
- Added tags classes for anime, science,technology.
- Added tags for images.
- First article "Hatsune is not a hologram" (English, Spanish, Japanese versions is available).
- Second article "Mirror, Mirror on the Net!" (English, Spanish, Japanese versions is available).
- Third article "PyMailCat: Designing a Graphical Interface for Sending Emails in Python" (English, Spanish, Japanese versions is available). v1.0.2
New features.
- On index class "nav-bg" was rename directories for english language.
- Applied class titlemain to h2 on contact section
- It was removed section where icons've been and moved to footer tag.
- Added javascript:
5.bottton.js: scroll to up when user scrolls to down or footer page (only implemented on aboutme.html). - imaget.js: appear and desappear images when someone is scrilloling (not implemented - Only Test)
- textt,js: appear and desappear text when someone is scrilloling (not implemented - Only Test)
- swiper.js: Framework to work swiper on aboutme.html
- Added images to img directory
- Added new styles of google fonts: Noto Sans JP, PT Sans and Yuji Hentaigana Akari.
- New styles was included on root as variable.
- Changed font-family (headers) to var(--fontheaders);
- Added a class, it was called "center-text" where text-align: center;
- Fixed class "contenedor" with a width of 90% and added a rendimention with min.
- added class for a tags from contenedor that changed cyan color and decoration was none and a boid text of 700.
- Added a new path for conctactImg (train image).
- It was commented Scroll snap and was changed because on indext.html some parts of ones sections could not watch the information.
- It fiexed with another scroll snap tat scroll-snap-align is on start.
- On class service p was changed line height to 1.3 and added font family for bodyfont.
On section "About me". - It was created a mediaquery to make website flexbox.
- Created a class: contenedorText. To aling the text with an image.
- On contenedorText -> .aboutme__imgR and L. It was implemented for fixing images.
- On p impleneted styles
- It was a creaded styles for botton to up.
- swiper's class was created to get styles for every card as background.
- japanesestyle's span class to apply new font family and color
- ONLY TEST: Created new clases to implement with .js files for animations
On aboutme.html - Added new fontstyles.
2.Created sections for background image - Navegation cards with animes
- Playlist spotify
- Sections for personal description