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Qt/C++ connector for Tarantool database. Implemented the basic methods of managing the base and getting statistical information from the Tarantool server. The connector methods and a description of how they work can be found in the API section of this document. In the Demo directory of examples of how to use the connector, you will find - TNT-Viewer, which can be used to view and make some changes to the existing Tarantool database.


tg-icon EN RU # Sources # Documentation # Releases

Tarantool is a Lua application server that includes a resident NoSQL database, which has high speed compared to traditional RDBMS with the same properties: persistence, ACID transactivity, replications - master-slave, master-master. more info..

QTarantool API

Server User Space Index Service +++

All connector methods are blocking. Control will be returned if a server reply is received (with any status) or by timeout.


  • connectToServer(const QString &uri)
type brief
return bool Current server connection status
uri QString The URI server string in the format: protocol://location:port

Connects to the Tarantool server. It also generate signalConnected( bool ) signal. If there was an established server connection at the time the method was called, it connection will be disconnected.

#include "../../src/qtarantool.h"
using namespace QTNT;
QTarantool tnt;

/*** Standard TCP connection to the server ***/
    qDebug() << tnt.connectToServer("http://localhost:3301");
    // OR
    qDebug() << tnt.connectToServer("tcp://localhost:3301");
/*** UNIX-sockets connection ***/
    qDebug() << tnt.connectToServer("unix:/tmp/tnt.sock");
/*** Secure SSL/TLS TCP-connection (if it is supported by the server) ***/
    qDebug() << tnt.connectToServer("https://localhost:3301");
  • disconnectServer()

Disconnects the previously established connection to the Tarantool server. Also generates signalConnected( bool ) signal.

qDebug() << tnt.disconnectServer();
  • isConnected()
type brief
return bool Current server connection status
    // TODO
  • ping()
type brief
return qint64 Measured server reply time in `nanoseconds'
qDebug("server ping: %lld nS",;
  • cfg()
type brief
return QVariantMap All non-zero server Tarantool configuration parameters that box.cfg returns
qDebug("%s", QJsonDocument::fromVariant(tnt.cfg())
  • slab(const SLAB type)
type brief
return QVariantMap Information on memory usage by the server. Read more...
type SLAB::INFO Show aggregated memory usage report
SLAB::DETAIL Show detailed memory usage report
SLAB::RUNTIME Show memory usage report for the Lua runtime environment
qDebug("%s", QJsonDocument::fromVariant(QVariantMap {
                                        {"slab::info", tnt.slab(SLAB::INFO)},
                                        {"slab::detail", tnt.slab(SLAB::DETAIL)},
                                        {"slab::runtime", tnt.slab(SLAB::RUNTIME)}})
  • info()
type brief
return QVariantMap All server status information returned by the `' module
qDebug("%s", QJsonDocument::fromVariant(
  • stat(const STAT type)
type brief
return QVariantMap Statistics on server network usage and requests. Read more...
type STAT::REQUESTS Shows the total number of requests since start-up and the average number of requests per second
STAT::NETWORK Shows statistics for network requests
STAT::VINYL Shows the activity of the Vinyl-engine
qDebug("%s", QJsonDocument::fromVariant(QVariantMap {
                                        {"stat::requests", tnt.stat(STAT::REQUESTS)},
                                        {"stat::network", tnt.stat(STAT::NETWORK)},
                                        {"stat::vinyl", tnt.stat(STAT::VINYL)}})
  • getServerDirectory()
type brief notes
return QString Server working directory The one marked '.' in the box.cfg configuration
qDebug() << tnt.getServerDirectory();
  • startLocalServer(const QString &filename)

not implemented

  • stopLocalServer()

not implemented


  • login(const QString &userName, const QString &password)
type brief
return bool Authentication result
userName QString User name
password QString User password

The authentication procedure is mandatory once a connection to the server has been established. Empty password is only allowed for the guest user.

if(tnt.login("Alice", "alice-password"))
    qDebug("Auth Success!");
    qDebug("Auth Failed.");
  • logout()
type brief
return bool Authentication result as guest user

Closes the current user's session and login as guest.

  • getUserName()
type brief notes
return QString Current user name the current user must have execute privilege to execute this request

The current user name will be requested from the server.

qDebug() << tnt.getUserName();
  • createUser(const QString &userName, const QString &userPassword)
type brief notes
return bool Result of creating a new user The current user must have create privilege to create new users. The user password is mandatory and cannot be empty.
userName QString Name of new user
userPassword QString Password of new user

The method creates a new user with the specified password. If the user already existed the method will fail and return false.

qDebug() << tnt.createUser("Bob", "123");
  • grantUser(const QString &userName, const QString &userPrivileges, const QString &objectType, const QString &objectName)
type brief notes
return bool The result of granting the user new privileges. If the user already had the specified privileges, the request will be ignored and the method will return true The specified object must exist. Current user must have the privilege to modify the specified object.
userName QString Name of the user who will be granted the new privileges
userPrivileges QString A string of comma-separated privileges to will be granted to the user Valid values:
read, write, execute, session, usage, create, drop, alter, reference, trigger, insert, update, delete
objectType QString The type of object for which the privileges are granted. Valid values:
'space', 'user', 'role', 'sequence', 'function', 'trigger', 'universe'
(by default 'universe').
Values other than null/nil is necessarily enclosed in single quotes '
objectName QString Object name Arbitrary
(by default null).
Must be enclosed in single quotes '

More about user privileges ..
Why the user cannot make requests like EVAL, i.e. - all of this connector ..

// full access to 'Test' space for user 'Bob'
qDebug() << tnt.grantUser("Bob", "read,write,execute,create,drop", "'space'", "'Test'"); 
  • grantUserByRole(const QString &userName, const QString &userRole)
type brief
return bool Result of adding a new role to a user
userName QString User name
userRole QString Name of the existing new user role

The method adds a new role to the user.

  • resetGrants(const QString &userName, const QString &newUserPrivileges, const QString &objectType, const QString &objectName)

not implemented

  • deleteUser(const QString &userName)
type brief notes
return bool Result of deleting the specified user If the user does not exist, the method will fail and return false
userName QString User name

Deletes the specified user.

qDebug() << tnt.deleteUser("Bob");
  • isUserExist(const QString &userName)
type brief
return bool true if the user exists, otherwise false
userName QString User name

Checks if a user with the specified name exists

qDebug() << tnt.isUserExist("John");
  • user()
type brief notes
return QString Current user name The name of the last successfully authenticated user stored by the QTarantool instance will be returned without requesting the Tarantool server
qDebug() << tnt.user();
  • users()
type brief
return QVariantList List of users, roles and their attributes

Method returns list of users and roles containing lists of their attributes. Equivalent to call{}

qDebug("%s", QJsonDocument::fromVariant(tnt.users())
  • grants(const QString &userName)
type brief
return QVariantList List of lists containing user privileges and types/names of objects to which these privileges apply
userName QString User name
qDebug("%s", QJsonDocument::fromVariant(tnt.grants("Alice"))


  • createSpace(const QString &spaceName, const QStringList &options)
type brief notes
return uint The identifier of the space created. 0 if failed.
spaceName QString Name of the new space
options QStringList List of strings with options for space creation. Not mandatory.
Available options:
engine, field_count, format, id, if_not_exists, is_local, is_sync, temporary, user
read more..

Creates a new space with the specified name and optional parameters.

tnt.createSpace("Tester2", {"engine =memtx", 
                            "format ={{'field1'}, {'field2'}, {'field3'}}"

Possible variations of the format option...

  • changeSpace(const QString &spaceName, const QStringList &newParams)
type brief notes
return bool Result of changing space parameters Tarantool server version >= 2.7 (Error: attempt to call method ''alter'' (a nil value)')
spaceName QString Name of Space
newParams QStringList New Space Parameters.
Changeable parameters:
field_count, user, format, temporary, is_sync, name
The list of strings representing new parameter values has the same format as options for createSpace.

Modifies some parameters of an existing space by a specified list of parameters and their values.

// create space with format
tnt.createSpace("Tester2", {"format ={{'field1'}, {'field2'}, {'field3'}, {'field4'}, {'field5'}}"});
// then, change format of space
tnt.changeSpace("Tester2", {"format ={{'F1'}, {'F2'}, {'F3'}}"});
  • clearSpace(const QString &spaceName)
type brief
return bool Result of deleting a Space's data
spaceName QString Space name

Totally clears the specified space of data. All indexes and format of the space are saved.

qDebug() << tnt.clearSpace("Tester");
  • deleteSpace(const QString &spaceName)
type brief notes
return bool Result of deleting the specified space Method will fail if space with the specified name does not exist
spaceName QString Space name

Deletes the specified space.

qDebug() << tnt.deleteSpace("Tester");
  • isSpaceExist(const QString &spaceName)
type brief notes
return bool Result of checking the existence of a space with the specified name Does not fail with an error if the space does not exist
spaceName QString Space name

Checks if a space with the specified name exists.

qDebug() << tnt.isSpaceExist("Tester");
  • spaces()
type brief notes
return QVariantList A list containing all attributes of all existing spaces. The result of the call is fully equivalent to the Lua function{}
Read more about the meaning of the _space fields

The method returns a list of lists containing attributes of all existing database spaces, including system spaces. Returned values will contain only metadata of the spaces without data stored in them.

qDebug("%s", QJsonDocument::fromVariant(tnt.spaces())
  • getData(const QString &spaceName, const Selector &selectorFrom, const Selector &selectorTo, const uint limit)
type brief notes
return QVariantList List (array) of space tuples according to the specified selection criterions
spaceName QString Space name
selectorFrom Selector Structure determining the start of tuples selection. Mandatory.
Also specifies the index in which tuples will be searched.
selectorTo Selector Structure determining the end of tuples selection. Not mandatory.
By default, empty - the selection is not limited.
limit uint Maximum quantity of tuples to return Not mandatory.
By default =1000

The method returns a list of tuples by selection conditions specified by selectorFrom / selectorTo and limited by limit. With this method, tuples cannot be searched by different indexes. The index specified in selectorFrom (by default primary) will be applied.

Keep in mind, that:
- The Selectors must be counter-directional
- The selectorTo must be on the search direction selectorFrom. Otherwise the selection will end at the Space boundary before reaching the specified search boundary.

QVariant data;

// All data of Space "Tester". 
// Here the "Tester" space has a primary index named "primary":
    data =tnt.getData("Tester", {});

// Data of Space "Tester" - with 'primary' index >= 100 And <= 300:
    data =tnt.getData("Tester", {GE, {100}}, {LE, {300}});
// same data but in reverse sorting
    data =tnt.getData("Tester", {LE, {300}}, {GE, {100}});

    qDebug("%s", QJsonDocument::fromVariant(data)
    • Selector - a simple structure for specifying boundary conditions when selecting tuples from a space:

      struct Selector {
          OPERATOR Operator;
          IndexKey Key;
          QString  IndexName;


      Operator - an enumeration of possible comparison operators:

      Operator Semantics Symbol Brief
      ALL Synonym for GE
      EQ EQual == Exact match
      GE Greater-or-Equal >= Greater than or equal to
      GT Greater-Than > Greater
      LE Less-or-Equal <= Less than or equal to (reverse direction)
      LT Less-Than < Less (reverse direction)
      REQ Reverse-EQual Same as EQ but the reverse direction of search

      Key - a list of values of particular types of arbitrary length representing the key being searched for.
      Valid types of values in fields of key: <any number type>, boolean, string.

      IndexKey as a inherit class of QList is initialized from a initialization list of the key being created or from a string representing it. An instance of a key object can be serialized to text using the text() instance method:

      IndexKey key {286, "test", "текст", -3.086};
      IndexKey key2("{286, \"test\", \"текст\", -3.086}");
          qDebug() << key.text();
          qDebug("%s", key.text().toUtf8().data());
          qDebug() << key2.text();
          qDebug("%s", key2.text().toUtf8().data());
          // output
          // "{286,\"test\",\"текст\",-3.086}"
          // {286,"test","текст",-3.086}

      Examples of simple keys on a single tuple index field:

      {"test value"}

      multi-part keys for multi-part indexes:

      {333, 2.71828, "text", true}
      {29, 01, 2023}

      Multi-part keys with a complex structure -Hierarchical, not supported by Tarantool:

      {500, {{{555, 666}, 666}, 777}, 888, {600, {700, {"800"}}}, 900}

      IndexName - the name of the index that will be searched for. Defaults is primary, but can be any unique/non-unique index. It is not necessary to enclose the index name in single quotes.

  • getData(const QString &spaceName, const IndexKey &key, const uint field, const QString &indexName)

type brief notes
return QVariant & Value of the tuple field The return value is a constant reference.
spaceName QString Space name
key IndexKey The tuple key in the indexName index
field uint Field number of the tuple Fields are numbered with 1 from the beginning of the tuple. Negative values are not allowed.
indexName QString Index name Not mandatory
Name of index in which key will be searched for. Can be any unique index of space spaceName.

Returns the value of the tuple field by the specified tuple key and field number.

qDebug() << tnt.getData("Tester", {5}, 3);
  • setData(const QString &spaceName, const QVariantList &tuple, const bool bIfExist =true)
type brief notes
return bool Result of changing/adding a new tuple of data
spaceName QString Space name
tuple QVariantList New data tuple
bIfExist bool true - change only existing tuple with new tuple key, otherwise error: "Key not found",
false - set in any case.
If an old tuple is found by new key then the new tuple will replace the old one, if the key does not exist then the specified tuple will be inserted as a new tuple.
By default true

Changes data of existing tuple, by primary index of new tuple, or inserts new tuple (see bIfExist).

// In this example it is expected that there is a 'Tester' space with a primary index.
qDebug() << tnt.setData("Tester", {1, "hello", true}, false);
  • insertData(const QString &spaceName, const QVariantList &tuple)
type brief
return bool Result of adding a new tuple of data
spaceName QString Space name
tuple QVariantList New tuple of data

Adds a new tuple of data by primary tuple key. The tuple will be added if does not exist the old tuple with the primary index of the new one, otherwise the method will end with an error.

qDebug() << tnt.insertData("Tester", {2, "hello", true}); // OK, then
qDebug() << tnt.insertData("Tester", {2, "hello", true}); // Error

  • changeData(const QString &spaceName, const IndexKey &key, const uint field, const QVariant &value, const QString &indexName)
type brief notes
return bool Result of changing the tuple field
spaceName QString Space name
key IndexKey Key of the tuple that is to be changed in the indexName index
field int Position of the field that is to be changed in the tuple The fields are numerated with 1 from the beginning or -1 from the end of the tuple.
You cannot change the value of a field included in a unique index of space.
value QVariant New field value
indexName QString Not mandatory.
Name of the index in which the tuple is searched for the specified key key.
Any unique index of space.
By default, the primary index is used

Changes the value of an existing tuple field. If the field index is positive then it is counted from 1 from the beginning of the tuple, if negative then from -1 from the end of the tuple to the beginning of the tuple.

// Let's say there is a 'Tester' space with 
// a primary index on the first field of type 'unsigned'
// And in this space, there is a tuple:

{115726, "Bob", "Marley", 36, 135.72, "Miami", "", "«Money can’t buy life»", true}

// in which you want 
// to change the value of the <5> field (field numeration in Lua is from 1) to <128.77>
// This means we need to change value to <128.77> the <5> field of tuple 
// that has primary key <115726>:
qDebug() << tnt.changeData("Tester", {115726}, 5, 128.77);
// Or the last field of the same tuple (bool):
qDebug() << tnt.changeData("Tester", {115726}, -1, false);

This method performs only one action on the tuple field - assignment. To perform other available actions on the tuple field(s), use the overloaded changeData() method below.

  • changeData(const QString &spaceName, const IndexKey &key, const Actions &actions, const QString &indexName)
type brief notes
return bool Result of changing the tuple fields
spaceName QString Space name
key IndexKey Key of the tuple that is to be changed in the indexName index
actions Actions List of Action structures describing actions on tuple fields
indexName QString Not mandatory.
Name of the index in which the tuple is searched for the specified key key.
Any unique space index.
By default is used primary index

This method, like the previous one, changes the values of the tuple specified by the key key. But unlike that method, it allows you to perform not only assignment, but also any other available action on one or several tuple fields in one request.

    • Actions - list of Action structures - planned actions on tuple fields. The Action structure looks like this:

      struct Action {
          QString  Action;
          int      Field;
          QVariant Value;


      Action - a string with a symbol of the action (operation) available for the field:

      Semantics Action brief
      = Assign Field = Value Set field value to Value
      + Plus Field += Value Add to field value the Value
      - Minus Field -= Value Subtract from field value the Value
      & AND Field &= Value Bitwise AND with Value
      | OR Field |= Value Bitwise OR with Value
      ^ XOR Field ^= Value Bitwise XOR with Value

      The result of the operation will be placed in the appropriate field of the tuple as a new value.

      Keep in mind, that:
      - Bitwise operations are performed only on unsigned fields. Those. do not apply to bool (weirdness of Tarantool). If the field type is not explicitly defined by the Space format, it can be changed by assigning a value of the desired type.
      - More than one action on the same field in one transaction is not allowed
      - If an error occurs while performing at least one operation from the list, none of the operations in the transaction will be applied

      Field - The position of the field to change. The rules are the same as in the previous method for the field argument.

      Value - The value that is used in the operation on the field.

To demonstrate how the method works, let's take a tuple from the previous example and make changes:

// * Add to <4> field value: 1
// * Subtract from <5> field value: 0.015
// * Change <3> field from the end (before penultimate) to: ""
qDebug() << tnt.changeData("Tester", {115726}, {{"+", 4, 1}, 
                                                {"-", 5, 0.015}, 
                                                {"=", -3, ""}});
  • getSpaceId(const QString &spaceName)
type brief notes
return uint Space identifier Return 0 and fail if the space does not exist
spaceName QString Space name

Returns the identifier of the space by its name.

qDebug() << tnt.getSpaceId("Tester");
  • getSpaceName(const uint spaceId)
type brief notes
return QString Space name Return an empty string and fail if the space does not exist
spaceId uint Space identifier

Returns the name of the space by its identifier.

qDebug() << tnt.getSpaceName(512);
  • getSpaceLength(const QString &spaceName)
type brief notes
return qlonglong Space size in number of stored tuples -1: on error
0: if space is empty
spaceName QString Space name

Returns the number of tuples in the space.

qDebug() << tnt.getSpaceLength("Tester");
  • getSpaceSize(const QString &spaceName)
type brief notes
return qlonglong Size of data space in bytes -1: on error
0: if space is empty
spaceName QString Space name

Returns the size of the Space data in bytes. Only the size taken by tuples without metadata of Space.

qDebug() << tnt.getSpaceSize("Tester");


  • createIndex(const QString &spaceName, const QString &indexName, const Parts &parts, const QStringList &options)
type brief notes
return bool Result of index creation
spaceName QString Space name
indexName QString Name of the index to be created Must be unique to the space
parts Parts List of Part structures describing the fields of tuples that will be included in the index being created Field positions are numbered from 1 from the beginning of the tuples.
You do not need to enclose string values in single quotes.
options QStringList Optional parameters for the index being created Not mandatory.
The 'parts' option should not be used here as it is passed by the parts list above.
Valid Options
    • parts - the list contains Part structures like:

      struct Part {
          QVariant Field;
          QString  Type;


      Field - unsigned integer, indexed field position in tuples or a string containing the field name if it is specified by the space format.

      Type - a string with the name of the Lua-type value of the indexed field. Field types that can be included in an index: unsigned, string, varbinary, integer, number, double, boolean, decimal, datetime, uuid, array, scalar, nil. You do not need to enclose the type name in single quotes. Learn more about indexed types..

      examples of Part structures being passed:

      {3, "unsigned"} // 
      {2, "signed"}   // 
      {"field5", "boolean"} // 

      The fields of the tuples are included in the created index exactly in the order in which they are located in the Parts list. Thus, the very first Part structure in the Parts list will become the most significant part of the index, and the last one in the list will be the least significant part of the index. Therefore, indexes that include the same fields on the same data can give different data selection results with the same query parameters:

QString sp ="test-space-index";
QVariant data;
uint spaceId;
bool bIndexExist;
    // create space with format
qDebug() << "create space: " 
        << (spaceId =tnt.createSpace(sp, {"format ={{'F1'}, {'F2'}, {'F3'}}"}));

    // create indexes by field names
    qDebug() << "create indexes: " 
                            // primary index { F1 } (redundant in this example)
            << (bIndexExist =tnt.createIndex(sp, "primary", {{1, "unsigned"}}) 
                            // ascending index { F1, F2 }
                            && tnt.createIndex(sp, "ascending", {{"F1", "unsigned"}, 
                                                                {"F2", "unsigned"}})
                            // descending index { F2, F1 }
                            && tnt.createIndex(sp, "descending", {{"F2", "unsigned"}, 
                                                                {"F1", "unsigned"}}));

    // set tuples: { { F1, F2, F3 }, { F1, F2, F3 }, ... }
    for(int c =0; c < 6; ++c)
        tnt.setData(sp, {c, 5 - c, tr("data-%1").arg(c)}, false);

    // all data by 'ascending' index
    data =tnt.getData(sp, {ALL, {}, "ascending"});
    qDebug("%s", QJsonDocument::fromVariant(data).toJson(QJsonDocument::Indented).data());
    // all data by 'descending' index
    data =tnt.getData(sp, {ALL, {}, "descending"});
    qDebug("%s", QJsonDocument::fromVariant(data).toJson(QJsonDocument::Indented).data());
    /*** RESULTS ***
    All data by 'ascending' index
        [0, 5, "data-0"], 
        [1, 4, "data-1"], 
        [2, 3, "data-2"], 
        [3, 2, "data-3"], 
        [4, 1, "data-4"], 
        [5, 0, "data-5"]

    All data by 'descending' index
        [5, 0, "data-5"], 
        [4, 1, "data-4"], 
        [3, 2, "data-3"], 
        [2, 3, "data-2"], 
        [1, 4, "data-1"], 
        [0, 5, "data-0"]

    • options - a list of Lua-expression strings, like:
      { "<option> = <value>", "<option> = <value>", ... }
      where, values of Lua-type string are enclosed in single quotes '.
      Table of available options:
Space engine Option Lua-Type Brief By default
memtx type string 'HASH' or
'TREE' or
id number last index’s id + 1
unique boolean true
if_not_exists boolean false
dimension number 2
distance string 'euclid' or
sequence number|string
func string
hint boolean true
vinyl bloom_fpr number vinyl_bloom_fpr
page_size number vinyl_page_size
range_size number vinyl_range_size
run_count_per_level number vinyl_run_count_per_level
run_size_ratio number vinyl_run_size_ratio

More about the meaning of options createIndex(..)

  • isIndexExist(const QString &spaceName, const QString &indexName)
type brief notes
return bool The fact that the index exists Does not fail if the index does not exist
spaceName QString Space name
indexName QString Index name

Checks if an index with the specified name exists in the space.

qDebug() << tnt.isIndexExist("Tester", "primary");
  • deleteIndex(const QString &spaceName, const QString &indexName)
type brief
return bool The result of deleting the space index
spaceName QString Space name
indexName QString The name of the index to be deleted

Keep in mind, that:
- You cannot delete a primary index if any other indexes exist in the space except for it.
- Deleting the primary index will delete all tuples of the space.

qDebug() << tnt.deleteIndex("Tester", "secondary");
  • indexes()
type brief
return QUIntMap An object of type QMap <uint, QVariant> containing attributes of all indexes for all spaces of database.

The method executes a Lua-function on the server{} whose result will be converted into an object of type QUIntMap with the following structure:

*** QUIntMap ***

[spaceId]: List {
                [0]: Map { <attributes> }
                [1]: Map { <attributes> }
[spaceId]: List {
                [0]: Map { <attributes> }
where, <attributes> is a QVariantMap like:
    "iid": 0,   // index identifier
    "name": "", // index name
    "type": "", // index type
    "opts": [], // a list of the index's optional parameters
    "parts": [] // list of fields included in the index

i.e. this is a map whose value keys are identifiers of spaces. Each map value is a list of type QVariantList whose length is number of indexes in the corresponding space. Each element of such a list is again a map, where the keys are attribute names of the corresponding index.


  • call(const QString &function, const QVariantList &args)
type brief
return const REPLY & Result of server function call
function QString Function name
args QVariantList Not mandatory.
Function argument list

The method calls the specified Lua-function on the Tarantool server. The result of the function call will be placed in the server response in the format of the REPLY structure.

qDebug() <<"", {"%A %B %d"}).Data[QTNT::IPROTO_DATA].toList();
  • exec(const QString &script, const QVariantList &args)
type brief
return const REPLY & The result of the script execution
script QString Script to execute
args QVariantList List of script arguments

The method executes an arbitrary Lua-script on the Tarantool server. The script arguments are passed to the location marked (...) in the body of the script.
The result of the script execution will be placed in the server response in the format of the REPLY structure.

qDebug() << tnt.exec("return").Data[QTNT::IPROTO_DATA].toList();
qDebug() << tnt.exec("return[...]", {"version"}).Data[QTNT::IPROTO_DATA].toList();
  • execSQL(const QString &query, const QVariantList &args, const QVariantList &options)

Implementation not completed.

  • getLastError()
type brief notes
return ERROR Information about the last error while executing the request - the code field is reset to 0 before each request to the server
- in the same format, the slot-receiving the signal error( ERROR ) will receive information about the error

Returns information about the last error reported by the server in structure format:

struct ERROR {
    int     code; // Error code reported by the server 
    QString text; // Text message about the error reported by the server


  • sendRequest(QUIntMap &header, const QUIntMap &body)
type brief
return const REPLY & Server reply
header QUIntMap Request header in protocol format IPROTO
body QUIntMap Request data in protocol format IPROTO

This is the only class method that sends requests directly to the server. All of the methods listed above, except for ping(), work through it.
The server's response after unpacking the MessagePack is placed in the Reply structure of the QTarantool instance. When unpacking, the execution status of the request is checked, if the status does not equal to IPROTO_OK then the structure flag IsValid will be reset to false and an error( ERROR ) signal will be generated.

REPLY structure:

struct REPLY {
    uint     Size;
    QUIntMap Header;
    QUIntMap Data;
    bool     IsValid;

Add QTarantool to your project (QtCreator):

1. Add sources Directory "../QTarantool/src"
   > Right-click on your project name in the projects window, then:
     "Add Existing Directory..." > 
       "Browse..." > 
         "Start Parsing" > 
           "Select files matching: *.cpp; *.h;" > 
             "Apply Filters" >

2. Add 'network' Qt-module to your project *.pro file:
    QT += network

3. Add QTarantool header to your source file(s):

You can find test Qt-projects for QTarantool in the Demo directory of this repository.


Qt/C++ connector for Tarantool database








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