- India
- 5h30m ahead - https://johnpinto.pythonanywhere.com
- in/thisisjohnpinto
This repo contains all the files related in the the DataExpert.io Bootcamp.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 7, 2025 -
johnppinto.github.io Public
My Data Science Portfolio Website, built using HTML, CSS and JS
A MLOps project on Denmark's Energy Consumption Forecasting.
retail-vision-analytics Public
A project on end-to-end retail vision analytics application.
blog Public
My website for Blogging, build using Quarto.
Jupyter Notebook GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 2, 2023 -
My blog article on MLOps deployment pipeline.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedNov 2, 2023 -
This repo contains all the code for food image segmentation - Food Geek App.
Deep Learning project notebooks
Building a Yolov8n model from scratch and performing object detection in optical remote sensing images and videos.
ros_learning_archive Public
This repo contains files that were created while learning ros.
Makefile MIT License UpdatedAug 20, 2023 -
deep_sort Public
Forked from nwojke/deep_sortSimple Online Realtime Tracking with a Deep Association Metric
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 19, 2023 -
A project on video classification using Tensorflow with UCF50 dataset.
A project on video classification using PyTorch 2.0.
animal_vision_pytorch Public
A computer vision - image classification project on animals using PyTorch library.
Data-Analysis Public
My Data Analysis project during Google Data Analyst Certification and after completing it.
A computer vision project using the GANs technique to generate images out of painting.
cinema_face_actors_pytorch Public
A unsupervised CV project using the technique called Generative Adversarial Network.
face_mask_detection_pytorch Public
Computer vision - Object detection project that detects whether a person is wearing a face mask or not.