You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 42
When you want to create a new entry then you need to use a combination of the CreateSetupService
and the CreateService
. The CreateSetupService
is used to produce class to show the user for them to fill in and, when returned the CreateService
will then create it.
It might feel like you do not need the CreateSetupService
as you could just new
the class yourself. However read on and see that CreateSetupService
is sometime useful to pre-load some information. We suggest you use it all the time as taht means you can have a standard template for create and just copy it and change the class it uses.
This is used to get a class to show to the user so they can fill in the properties etc to create a new data item. You define what you require by providing of type T, where T is either a data class or a DTO of the right type.
If the item is a DTO then method SetupSecondaryData
is called (unless you suppress it - see CrudSalesOrderDetailDto where SetupSecondaryData
is not needed).
This allows the developer to overide SetupSecondaryData
and add any other property setup
needed in the Dto. See DetailPostDto
for an example of overriding SetupSecondaryData
to provide information for dropdown lists to help the user choose the correct author
and tags
The commands are:
T GetDto<T>()
- sync -
Task<T> GetDtoAsync<T>()
- async
This service has the methods to create the new data item from the class it is provided.
The provided class should be either a class used in the EF database or
a DTO which must be inherited from EfGenericDto
or EfGenericDtoAsync
This class must contain a property, or properties, that are the primary keys of the class
and these keys must already been filled in (see CreateSetupService/CreateSetupServiceAsync above).
If the data T is a DTO then it calls the CopyDtoToData
method which only copies over the
properties in the DTO that have NOT been marked with the [DoNotCopyBackToDatabase]
attribute. This gives the developer the option of excluding updates of certain properties. That is very useful and is not available on the direct access.
Also the developer can override the method CopyDtoToData
to incorportate their own
processes to set the right values of the properties before calling base.CopyDtoToData
(see example in DetailPostDto).
The commands are:
ISuccessOrErrors Create( newData)
- sync -
Task<ISuccessOrErrors> CreateAsync( newData)
- async
The ISuccessOrErrors
class returns a status. If successful the property .IsValid
is true and
the property SuccessMessage
has a confirmation message. If the property .IsValid
is false
then the List property Errors
contains a list of errors.
If the status is not valid then the command calls SetupSecondaryData
to ensure any secondary properties needed to create the item are set
(see CreateSetupServices above on why this is called).
Note: when a new entry is created then the primary key(s) of the created are filled in. If it is a direct create then EF does that. If it is a create via a DTO then the primary key(s) of the main database class, i.e. the database class mentioned in the EfGenericDto/EfGenericDtoAsync definition, are copied back into the DTO. This is useful if you want to hand on the primary key(s) of the newly created entry to another part of the program. (See example NewOrder
action in OrdersController. Not that it uses the SalesOrderID of the newly created SalesOderHeader to hand onto the next stage)
One other command exists in the DTO version, called ResetDto( dto)
This should be called if there any model errors as, if required, it calls SetupSecondaryData
to ensure any secondary properties needed to create the item are set. See beginning of Create
action in PostsController
The two versions of this command are:
TDto ResetDto( dto)
- sync -
TDto ResetDtoAsync( dto)
Live example web sites!
Commands and options
- Introduction to Commands
- Key interfaces
- Calculated properties
- DoNotCopyBackToDatabase attribute
- Configuration Options
Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)