- Clone this GIT
- Run Command "bash init.sh" for setting Project Data in Project Files!
- Add your Codeigniter and PHP Modules to composer.json
- Add your Assets to bower.json
- Combine your Assets with Gulp ( gulpfile.js )
composer update
- Composer
- Composer/installers
- Bower
- Gulp
- Laravel Elixir
- CodeIgniter Develbar ( https://github.com/JCSama/CodeIgniter-develbar )
- CodeIgniter HMCV Modules ( https://github.com/jenssegers/codeigniter-hmvc-modules )
- AdminLTE ( https://github.com/almasaeed2010/AdminLTE )
- CodeIgniter Composer Installer ( https://github.com/kenjis/codeigniter-composer-installer )