Setting up grid:
Setting start node --> Shift + Leftclick on node
Setting end node --> Alt + Leftclick on node
Setting barrier node --> Ctrl + Leftclick on node
Press start afterwards!
f(x) = g(x) + h(x)
g(x) -> Distance between current (x) node and start node
h(x) -> Distance between current (x) node and end node
Check which fCost is the smallest value and take it as new X node.
Checked nodes and nodes beside barriers are put in the Closed-Set list.
for(Node sBCheckNode : getSurroundingNodes(sNode)) {
if(sBCheckNode.isBarrier()) {
Nodes in the Open-Set are around the current X node.
public ArrayList<Node> getSurroundingNodes(Node xNode) {
ArrayList<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>();
for(int x = -1; x <= 1; x++) {
for(int y = -1; y <= 1; y++) {
Node c_Node = getNodeFromXY(xNode.getPosX()+x, xNode.getPosY()+y);
if(c_Node != null) {
if (!xNode.equals(c_Node)) {
if (!Pathfinding.initializer.getData().getClosedSet().contains(c_Node)) {
if (!c_Node.isBarrier()) {
return nodes;
Most important part of the project.