This is the repository for the 3rd semester project we did at University of Southern Denmark. It was a project about Music Streaming using microservices.
The group I was in handled portability and our task was to build an app version of the music streaming service.
If the enviroment isn't already setup, follow the guide below to get started.
Choose the React Native CLI Quickstart and then select your Development OS and Target OS.
After following guide till the end, you should now be ready to run the app. Also, make sure to install yarn as this is the package manager that is being used. This can be done with Chocolatey
which should already be installed if you followed the guide. choco install yarn
First of all make sure you have the correct dependencies installed by running the following command:
yarn install
This command should be run every time you pull changes from gitlab
or when you install a new module/package.
- For android:
npx react-native run-android
- For iOS:
npx react-native run-ios