Convert miniSEED formatted time series data to ASCII text. The output includes a simple header followed by using ObsPy package.
Here you have a simplify documentation of how to use program
- importing obspy library
from obspy import read
- Read .mseed file
st = read(ruta_archivo_mseed)
- Get metadata data
metadatos = st[0].stats
- Write file information in a .txt file
with open(ruta_archivo_txt, 'w') as archivo_txt:
archivo_txt.write(f"Fecha de la medición: {fecha_medicion}\n")
for clave, valor in metadatos.items():
archivo_txt.write(f"{clave}: {valor}\n")
for resultado in resultados:
Apache license version 2.0. See included LICENSE file for details.
Copyright (c) 2023 Jonatan Haarala