THREE.js 3D-grid with cubes
Just messing around with THREEjs, OrbitControls and DAT.gui with saving state in localStorage.
Use DAT.gui to save config and OrbitControls in localStorage
. Update OrbitControls from DAT.gui.
Project uses canvas-sketch by Matt Deslaurier.
canvas-sketch index.js --output=output/ --html=index.html
Use the GUI sliders & mouse/keyboard (OrbitControls) to adjust to your liking before exporting. And/or change settings in the CFG
class or instance. Save the settings to localStorage if desired.
When pressing cmd
pngs of every frame will be saved in an output
directory. If ffmpeg is installed run the following command to create an mp4 which creates a videofrom the 75 generated pngs and loops it 8 times.
ffmpeg -filter_complex loop=loop=8:size=75:start=0 -framerate 30 -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' \
-c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4