Calculator that supports arithmetic and relational operations.
This app uses a lexical and syntax analyzer created using JFlex library.
help: Shows help.
vers: Shows app's version.
limp: Clear the screen.
term: Stop the app.
defi: Defines a variable.
list: Shows variables.
calc: Solves an arithmetic expression.
Operations supported:
- (Sum) Examples: 10+20 5.4+75
- (Subtraction) Examples: 10-20 75.4-4.1
- (Multiplication) Examples: 420 7.47.5
- / (Division) Examples: 10/20 75.5/2
- ^ (Pow) Examples: 5^8 4.5^5
- () (Parenthesis) Examples: 7*(5+5) 10/(5-1)
borr: Delete a variable.
grab: Stores last value in a variable.
vali: solves an logical expression.
Operations supported:
- < (Less than) Examples: 5<50? 4.5*4<16?
(Greater than) Examples: 5>50? 4.5*4>16?
- <= (Less or equal than) Examples: 5<=50? 4.5<=4.6?
= (Greater o equal than) Examples: 5>=50? 4.5*4>=16?
- <> (Different than) Examples: 5<>5? 5.5<>5.6?
- == (Equal than) Examples: 5==5? 4.5*4==16?