Uppercase SQL keywords without the need of holding Shift or CAPS LOCK
Plug 'Jorengarenar/vim-SQL-UPPER'
cd ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start
git clone git://github.com/Jorengarenar/vim-SQL-UPPER.git
When you type an SQL keyword in an SQL file, it will be automatically uppercased after you finish writting it.
Words in comments and strings will be ignored.
There is one variable, g:SQL_UPPER
. Default value is syntax
Value | Description |
0 | Disable auto-uppering |
list | You can provide your own list of keywords, e.g. let g:SQL_UPPER = [ "select", "from" ] |
"syntax" |
Keywords returned by syntaxcomplete#OmniSyntaxList() function |
"drupal" |
Keywords from Drupal's List of SQL reserved words |
"wikipedia_all" |
All keywords from Wikipedia's list of SQL reserved word |
"wikipedia_sql2023" |
Keywords from Wikipedia's list of SQL reserved word marked as 'In SQL:2023' |