A list of customized terminal commands I used the most to boost my productivity.
I will be expanding this list from time to time as I discover / create more commands that help me on my day to day as an iOS Engineer.
If using ZSH make sure to create the file ~/.zshrc
and add all these commands below inside this file.
Adds 033 color to text. 033 is color Blue
Clears your terminal
In order to use this commands you need to install imagemagick
. ( https://imagemagick.org/script/import.php ). I currently have a default size for the screenshot images ( 512x800 ) but feel free to adjust these values to match your needs.
Move back one directory with ..
Open a file with Atom application
Start recording the Xcode simulator. To stop recording press control + c
and it will save the video in the current directory with the name provided ( Usage: rs videoName