Releases: JorgenMygindPilgaard/MemoryMate
3.0.2 Bugfix for incorrect file in preview-pane
The software will run on Windows 64-bit operating system only
There are two ways to install the application:
Installation package
Running Install.exe will do all for you.
First uninstall your current release (Use windows "add or remove programs" and search for Memory Mate).
Download "install.exe" from the below list of files, run it, and follow the instructions. This will install the software for you. -
Distributable folder
Extract files in to a folder you created for the Memory Mate App. If you are upgrading an existing distributable, MAKE SURE TO KEEP THE SUBFOLDER NAMED "Data". Delete "Memory Mate.exe" file, the _distributable.txt file and the _internal-folder, and extract the new version of these files into your app-folder.
After that you can start the App by running the "Memory Mate.exe" in the App-folder you created.
The benefit of the distributable folder is that it can be held on a USB and moved from computer to computer.
Error-correction in 3.0.2:
When "Standardize Filenames"-function renames files to names existing in old range of filenames, the preview-pane then would show incorrect file when browsing. This bug has now been corrected
3.0.1 Fixed issue in Memory Mate Lightroom Integration
The software will run on Windows 64-bit operating system only
There are two ways to install the application:
Installation package
Running Install.exe will do all for you.
First uninstall your current release (Use windows "add or remove programs" and search for Memory Mate).
Download "install.exe" from the below list of files, run it, and follow the instructions. This will install the software for you. -
Distributable folder
Extract files in to a folder you created for the Memory Mate App. If you are upgrading an existing distributable, MAKE SURE TO KEEP THE SUBFOLDER NAMED "Data". Delete "Memory Mate.exe" file, the _distributable.txt file and the _internal-folder, and extract the new version of these files into your app-folder.
After that you can start the App by running the "Memory Mate.exe" in the App-folder you created.
The benefit of the distributable folder is that it can be held on a USB and moved from computer to computer.
Enhancements in release 3.0.0:
Memory Mate is now able to Integrate to Lightroom Classic, if you chose to enable the functionality. The Integration will ensure that your Lightroom Classic Catalogue Filenames are updated when you use the Memory Mate "Standardise Filenames" functionality.
Error-correction in 3.0.1:
When "Standardize Filenames"-function renames files to names existing in old range of filenames, the Lightroom Classic Integration failed to update filenames in Lightroom Classic Catalouge. This error has now been resolved,
3.0.0 Memory Mate now integrates to Lightroom Classic
The software will run on Windows 64-bit operating system only
There are two ways to install the application:
Installation package
Running Install.exe will do all for you.
First uninstall your current release (Use windows "add or remove programs" and search for Memory Mate).
Download "install.exe" from the below list of files, run it, and follow the instructions. This will install the software for you. -
Distributable folder
Extract files in to a folder you created for the Memory Mate App. If you are upgrading an existing distributable, MAKE SURE TO KEEP THE SUBFOLDER NAMED "Data". Delete "Memory Mate.exe" file, the _distributable.txt file and the _internal-folder, and extract the new version of these files into your app-folder.
After that you can start the App by running the "Memory Mate.exe" in the App-folder you created.
The benefit of the distributable folder is that it can be held on a USB and moved from computer to computer.
Enhancements in this release:
Memory Mate is now able to Integrate to Lightroom Classic, if you chose to enable the functionality. The Integration will ensure that your Lightroom Classic Catalogue Filenames are updated when you use the Memory Mate "Standardise Filenames" functionality.
2.5.1 Error-correction for Queue-progress Monitor invisible in dark Mode
The software will run on Windows 64-bit operating system only
There are two ways to install the application:
Installation package
Running Install.exe will do all for you.
First uninstall your current release (Use windows "add or remove programs" and search for Memory Mate).
Download "install.exe" from the below list of files, run it, and follow the instructions. This will install the software for you. -
Distributable folder
Extract files in to a folder you created for the Memory Mate App. If you are upgrading an existing distributable, MAKE SURE TO KEEP THE SUBFOLDER NAMED "Data". Delete "Memory Mate.exe" file, the _distributable.txt file and the _internal-folder, and extract the new version of these files into your app-folder.
After that you can start the App by running the "Memory Mate.exe" in the App-folder you created.
The benefit of the distributable folder is that it can be held on a USB and moved from computer to computer.
Error Corrections in this release:
The progress-monitor was invisible in dark mode, as the color was near to the background color of the app.
2.5.0 Distributable Version available as well
The software will run on Windows 64-bit operating system only
There are two ways to install the application:
1. Installation package
Running Install.exe will do all for you.
First uninstall your current release (Use windows "add or remove programs" and search for Memory Mate).
Download "install.exe" from the below list of files, run it, and follow the instructions. This will install the software for you.
2. Distributable folder
Extract files in to a folder you created for the Memory Mate App. If you are upgrading an existing distributable, MAKE SURE TO KEEP THE SUBFOLDER NAMED "Data". Delete "Memory Mate.exe" file, the _distributable.txt file and the _internal-folder, and extract the new version of these files into your app-folder.
After that you can start the App by running the "Memory Mate.exe" in the App-folder you created.
The benefit of the distributable folder is that it can be held on a USB and moved from computer to computer.
Enhancements and error-correction in this release:
- In addition to the Installable version you can now also download a zip-file with a distributable version of the program
- A brand new dark look for the application is now available. You can chose between dark- and light look by cliccking the settings-wheel in upper right corner of the app.
2.2.0 Language Selection Popup at initial Launch
The software will run on Windows 64-bit operating system only
First uninstall your current release (Use windows "add or remove programs" and search for Memory Mate).
Download "install.exe" from the below list of files, run it, and follow the instructions. This will install the software for you.
Enhancements and error-correction in this release:
- After initial installation, the app will now pop up and and ask user for language for the application.
2.1.0 Enable Rotation of videos
The software will run on Windows 64-bit operating system only
First uninstall your current release (Use windows "add or remove programs" and search for Memory Mate).
Download "install.exe" from the below list of files, run it, and follow the instructions. This will install the software for you.
Enhancements and error-correction in this release:
- More videofile types can now be previewed
- Videos can now be rotated
2.0.1 Fix for program-crash when movie-preview not possible
The software will run on Windows 64-bit operating system only
First uninstall your current release (Use windows "add or remove programs" and search for Memory Mate).
Download "install.exe" from the below list of files, run it, and follow the instructions. This will install the software for you.
Enhancements and error-correction in this release:
- Preview of image for certain movie-files is not supported. The app crashed when trying to generate a preview. This has now been corrected. The app now shows a "preview not possible"-image in these situations.
2.0.0 Include tags from sidecar-file. Better date/time handling
The software will run on Windows 64-bit operating system only
First uninstall your current release (Use windows "add or remove programs" and search for Memory Mate).
Download "install.exe" from the below list of files, run it, and follow the instructions. This will install the software for you.
Enhancements and error-correction in this release:
- The application can now read tags from a json sidecar-file (from Google takeout) and consolidate the tags into the image-metadata
- You can now mass-correct time by a delta in multiple images in one go: First correct time in one image, and simply copy the delta and paste it to the images you have selected selected in the file-panel. (Good, when camera date/time was incorrect during your vacation)
- Camera brand, model and camera-settings are now shown in image-panel below preview image
- Date/time field is now locked by default, and should be unlocked by click on and icon next to the field, to prevent accidental changes when using mouse scroll-wheel
1.8.0 Time-tag improvements
The software will run on Windows 64-bit operating system only
First uninstall your current release (Use windows "add or remove programs" and search for Memory Mate).
Download "install.exe" from the below list of files, run it, and follow the instructions. This will install the software for you.
Enhancements and error-correction in this release:
- Rotation of image incorrect at opening of file. The bug has been corrected
- Application now handles UTC offset in addition to local time
- The application now keeps fraction of seconds unchanged when changing date/time
- Technical change: Value-classes to support exif in/out-bound conversion
- Technical change: Settings file simplified