Python library for Mode-S message decoding. Support Downlink Formats (DF) are:
Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) (DF 17/18)
- TC=1-4 / BDS 0,8: Aircraft identification and category
- TC=5-8 / BDS 0,6: Surface position
- TC=9-18 / BDS 0,5: Airborne position
- TC=19 / BDS 0,9: Airborne velocity
- TC=28 / BDS 6,1: Airborne status [to be implemented]
- TC=29 / BDS 6,2: Target state and status information [to be implemented]
- TC=31 / BDS 6,5: Aircraft operational status [to be implemented]
Mode-S Comm-B replies (DF 20 / 21)
- BDS 1,0: Data link capability report
- BDS 1,7: Common usage GICB capability report
- BDS 2,0: Aircraft identification
- BDS 2,1: Aircraft and airline registration markings
- BDS 3,0: ACAS active resolution advisory
- BDS 4,0: Selected vertical intention
- BDS 4,4: Meteorological routine air report
- BDS 5,0: Track and turn report
- BDS 5,3: Air-referenced state vector
- BDS 6,0: Heading and speed report
DF4 / DF20: Altitude code
DF4 / DF21: Identity code (squawk)
Detailed manual on Mode-S decoding is published by the author, at:
- New structure of the libraries
- ADS-B and Comm-B data streaming
- Active aircraft viewing (terminal curses)
- Improved BDS identification
- Optimizing decoding speed
Checkout and contribute to this open source project at:
API documentation at: [To be updated]
To install latest development version (dev-2.0) from the GitHub:
pip install git+
Supports Mode-S Beast and AVR raw stream
pmslive --server [server_address] --port [tcp_port] --rawtype [beast_or_avr] --latlon [lat] [lon] Arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --server SERVER server address or IP --port PORT raw data port --rawtype RAWTYPE beast or avr --latlon LAT LON receiver position
Example screen shot:
import pyModeS as pms
pms.df(msg) # Downlink Format
pms.icao(msg) # Infer the ICAO address from the message
pms.crc(msg, encode=False) # Perform CRC or generate parity bit
pms.hex2bin(str) # Convert hexadecimal string to binary string
pms.bin2int(str) # Convert binary string to integer
pms.hex2int(str) # Convert hexadecimal string to integer
pms.gray2int(str) # Convert grey code to interger
# typecode 1-4
# typecode 5-8 (surface), 9-18 (airborne, barometric height), and 9-18 (airborne, GNSS height)
pms.adsb.position(msg_even, msg_odd, t_even, t_odd, lat_ref=None, lon_ref=None)
pms.adsb.airborne_position(msg_even, msg_odd, t_even, t_odd)
pms.adsb.surface_position(msg_even, msg_odd, t_even, t_odd, lat_ref, lon_ref)
pms.adsb.position_with_ref(msg, lat_ref, lon_ref)
pms.adsb.airborne_position_with_ref(msg, lat_ref, lon_ref)
pms.adsb.surface_position_with_ref(msg, lat_ref, lon_ref)
# typecode: 19
pms.adsb.velocity(msg) # handles both surface & airborne messages
pms.adsb.speed_heading(msg) # handles both surface & airborne messages
Note: When you have a fix position of the aircraft, it is convenient to use position_with_ref() method to decode with only one position message (either odd or even). This works with both airborne and surface position messages. But the reference position shall be with in 180NM (airborne) or 45NM (surface) of the true position.
pms.common.altcode(msg) # Downlink format must be 4 or 20
pms.common.idcode(msg) # Downlink format must be 5 or 21
pms.icao(msg) # Infer the ICAO address from the message
pms.bds.infer(msg) # Infer the Modes-S BDS code
# check if BDS is 5,0 or 6,0, give reference spd, trk, alt (from ADS-B)
pms.bds.is50or60(msg, spd_ref, trk_ref, alt_ref)
# check each BDS explicitly
pms.commb.ovc10(msg) # overlay capability, BDS 1,0
pms.commb.cap17(msg) # GICB capability, BDS 1,7
pms.commb.cs20(msg) # callsign, BDS 2,0
# for BDS code 4,0
pms.commb.alt40mcp(msg) # MCP/FCU selected altitude (ft)
pms.commb.alt40fms(msg) # FMS selected altitude (ft)
pms.commb.p40baro(msg) # Barometric pressure (mb)
# for BDS code 5,0
pms.commb.roll50(msg) # roll angle (deg)
pms.commb.trk50(msg) # track angle (deg)
pms.commb.gs50(msg) # ground speed (kt)
pms.commb.rtrk50(msg) # track angle rate (deg/sec)
pms.commb.tas50(msg) # true airspeed (kt)
# for BDS code 6,0
pms.commb.hdg60(msg) # heading (deg)
pms.commb.ias60(msg) # indicated airspeed (kt)
pms.commb.mach60(msg) # MACH number
pms.commb.vr60baro(msg) # barometric altitude rate (ft/min)
pms.commb.vr60ins(msg) # inertial vertical speed (ft/min)
# for BDS code 4,4
pms.commb.wind44(msg, rev=False) # wind speed (kt) and heading (deg)
pms.commb.temp44(msg, rev=False) # temperature (C)
pms.commb.p44(msg, rev=False) # pressure (hPa)
pms.commb.hum44(msg, rev=False) # humidity (%)
To perform unit tests. First install tox
through pip, Then, run the following commands:
$ tox