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- CI/CD using CircleCI
- Integrate Slack with CircleCI for notifications
- Build AWS resources using Terraform
- Deploy app to S3 bucket and distribute content using CloudFront
- Setup linting and prettier checks
- Redux for state management
- CSS Grid to make app mobile responsive
- Infinite scrolling
- Image lazy loading
- testing using react testing library
- custom domain using route 53
developer works locally in feature branch
working with three environments: development, staging, production. Each environment will have it's own S3 bucket
once feature is complete, dev merges into dev branch (dev environment)
once feature is working as required, merge dev branch -> staging branch (staging environment)
can merge from staging -> master branch (prod environment)
Clone the repo
npm install
Create an account on and obtain an API key.
Create a .env file in the root of the project and add