Wikipedia is one of the most popular online resources, so on average, people spend quite a bit of time on Wikipedia;
yet there is surprisingly little social interaction possibility.
The talk pages on Wikipedia are predominantly for editorial discussions and not for general discussion on a topic and also have some drawbacks, being basically just a wikipage.
This project is about building a social media web app around Wikipedia that may offer functions such as forum, recommender, commenting and Q&A functions.
Various ways of linking to Wikipedia content/importing content are possible, ideal would be a system where one can annotate questions and comments directly to specific points in the text.
One can annotate questions and comments directly to specific points in the text
React: Mainly invovled
Scss: Css style control
React router: Solving routing issues
Antd: style misc like avatars and something
Moment.js: handle posts, request with fake date within json
Jquery: an old way to handle ajax
Nomdemon: hot fresh dev tool
get the content and handle exceptions(e.g. no such article)
Nav bar
Basic page layout
Fetch wiki article content
Data base: structure(login, wikiarticle-blog)
Optimize fetching wiki article content: what if the response is only a title? what if the response is a series of related hyperlink? what if the input is a random string
Login function
Optimize the layout of article content
Anotate the article
Home page: update articles in database(by getting json?)
- The fetch wiki pages api is now done in Jquery and in render() by ajax rather than in componentWillMount() : This will cause empty content when access it.