Create and use type-safe deep links using Swift macros.
@DeepLink(generateInitWithURL: true)
public struct SearchDeepLink: DeepLink {
public static let scheme = "example"
private let host = "search"
public var category = "all"
@QueryItem(name: "q")
public var query: String
// DeepLink will add `url` property and `init(url:)`
SearchDeepLink.scheme // "example"
SearchDeepLink(query: "hello world").url.absoluteString // "example://search/all?q=hello%20world"
let deepLink = SearchDeepLink(url: URL(string: "example://search/tv?q=still%20up")!)!
deepLink.category // "tv"
deepLink.query // "still up"
- Callsheet
- Feedback Assistant
- Ivory
- Overcast
- Settings (in progress)
Want to add an app to the project? Please open a pull request or submit an issue!
Rather than being strict with its typings DeepLink relies on string interpolation to build URLs. This allows properties to be any type that conforms to CustomStringConvertible
, such as Int
s, enums, and custom types.
If a property is optional it will only be used to build the URL when it is non-nil. This is particularly useful for optional query items.
This also extends to initialising a deep link with a URL
-- as long as the type conforms to LosslessStringConvertible
I currently class DeepLink as a beta package. I'm not aware of any issues with the implementation but I am holding off on a 1.0 until I'm happier with the API. API will changes will include @available(*, deprecated, renamed: "<new-name>")
where possible so updating should not be painful.
Some things I would class as required for the 1.0:
- More tests
- Full documentation
- Feedback to validate how clear the API is and what features are important
There's a lot that could be done in future releases, such as:
- Support for more apps
- Add metadata for external tools to read (#4)
- Could enable creating a tool for generating and testing deep links (#5)
- Support for
in more scenarios (e.g. optional@PathItem
The idea for this came about when I saw the URL scheme for Callsheet on Mastodon, which made me think about how I added the Ivory URL scheme in to an unreleased project of mine.
I then thought this would be an interesting project to use Swift macros with and at that point I had nerd sniped myself. I also think it's useful to have a repository of the URL schemes available for various apps.
The Swift REPL can be used to generate links in the terminal. This can be useful to test how other apps work, or if you're adding support for a new app to test that the generated strings work (this is not a substitute for unit tests 😉).
# Assumes you're in the package's root
$ swift run --repl
Welcome to Apple Swift version 5.9 (swiftlang- clang-1500.0.40.1).
Type :help for assistance.
1> import CallsheetDeepLink
2> ActivateInput().url
$R0: Foundation.URL = "callsheet://activateInput"